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计算机英语会话(MP3+中英字幕) 第5期:计算机硬件(1)


Chapter 2第二章

Computer Hardware计算机硬件

Dialogue 1句型1A:I thought computers were supposed to make your life more convenient.我想电脑应该是让人的生活更方便才是。But it seems like I spend half my time waiting for it to do something.可是我大半时间好像都花在等着它做事。Why is it so slow?怎么会这么慢呢?How much RAM do you have?你的内存是多么?A:I think I have 8 Megs.我想是8兆吧。B:That's your problem.问题就在这里。If you want Windows 95 to run smoothly, you need at least 16.视窗95想要跑得顺畅,至少要16兆。

Dilogue 2句型2A:I have 16 Megs now. and most things work better ,but my Internet connection is still really slow.我现在是16兆了,情况大致已有改善,只是上网仍旧很慢。Is there anything that I can do?怎么办?B: Let's see, Your modem is only a 14.4.我来看看。你的调制解调器只有14.4。If you want your Internet connection to speed up, you'll have to get a faster modem上网想快,就得弄一台速度快一点的调制解调器。This is a mouse ,With the mouse we can move the cursor very quickly.这是鼠标。用它可以快速移动光标。Look at the screen ,See the little line that blinks?你看屏幕,看见那个闪烁的小线没有?That's the cursor.那就是光标。You can begin to type there.你可以从那儿开始打字。B: But I don't want to type there.可是我不要在那儿打。A: Then move the cursor.那就移动光标。Watch, I'll hold the mouse in my hand.注意看,我手握鼠标。Now I'll move it across the table.然后在桌面上移动。See the cursor move?看见光标了吧?

Dialogue 3句型3A: I can't seem to get my mouse to work properly.我的鼠标好像不怎么好用。First it moves and then ,all of a sudden, it jerks all the way across the screen.先是动得很慢,然后突然地又一下子从屏幕上划过。What can I do?怎么办?B:Here ,let me see.来,我来看看。Open the mouse and takes out the ball.(找开鼠标,取出圆球)Do you see these contacts here?看到这些接触点没有?A:Yes, They look pretty dirty.是的,看起来好脏。B: That's right.不错。Let me clean those for you ,and you'll be back to normal in no time.我帮你清一清,马上就可以恢复正常了。

Dialogue 4句型4A: My friends sent me this new audio--player program, but I can't get it to load properly.朋友送我这新的播放程序,可是我装不好。B: The instruction says that this player requires a 32 bit sound card.手册上说这播放器需要32位的声卡。A: A 32-bit sound card?32位的声卡?Mine is only 16-bit.我的只有16位。B:That's your problem right there.问题就在这里。If you want this new software to work , you'll have to upgrade your hardware too.如果想要这新软件能够用,硬件也必须升级。