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迷你对话学英语口语 第1354期:无意中触及敏感话题;触及痛处
第一,迷你对话A: How is your family?你全家还好吧?B: My husband was gone last year.我丈夫去年去世了。A: I am sorry. I am afraid I have touched a nerve.对不起,我恐怕问了不该问的问题
迷你对话学口语2019-06-26迷你对话学英语口语 第1354期:彻底地;纯粹地
第一,迷你对话A: Nancy is going out with David.Nancy 正在和和David来往着。B: I hope not. David is a liar to the backbone.我可不希望这样,David是个十足的骗子。A: How come?何以见得?
迷你对话学口语2019-06-26迷你对话学英语口语 第1352期:以牙还牙;针锋相对
第一,迷你对话A: Why didn't you invite her to your birthday party?你为什么不邀请她参加你们的生日晚会?B: Because she didn't invite me to hers. It is just tit for tat.因为她
迷你对话学口语2019-06-26迷你对话学英语口语 第1351期:各种各样的事
第一,迷你对话A: What are you doing here?你在这儿做什么?B: It is you. Nice meeting you here. I am waiting for a friend.是你呀,在这儿遇到你真高兴,我在等一个朋友。A: Boyfriend?男朋
迷你对话学口语2019-06-25迷你对话学英语口语 第1350期:没有感情,相互厌恶
第一,迷你对话A: It is well known that there's no love lost between them, so it would be silly to invite them both to your party.众所周知,他们彼此之间相互讨厌。邀请他们两人同时
迷你对话学口语2019-06-25迷你对话学英语口语 第1349期:谈话的中心;大家的话题
第一,迷你对话A: Do you know that Elton John will show up at the party this weekend?你知道Elton John在周末的舞会出现吗?B: Really? I didn't hear of that.震动吗,我没有听说。A:
迷你对话学口语2019-06-25迷你对话学英语口语 第1348期:旁观者清
第一,迷你对话A: Doesn't he know that his wife is being unfaithful to him?难道他不知道他老婆对他不忠?B: And doesn't she know he is being unfaithful to her?而她也不知道她丈
迷你对话学口语2019-06-25迷你对话学英语口语 第1347期:掌上明珠
第一,迷你对话A: Why does Jim look so unhappy?Jim 怎么看起来不高兴啊?B: Bill borrowed his new car and crashed into a tree.Bill 借了他的车,撞到了树上。A: I heard there isn't s
迷你对话学口语2019-06-25迷你对话学英语口语 第1346期:开导某人
第一,迷你对话A: You don't have to talk sense into me. My eyes are not blurred.你不用开导我,我清楚得很。B: Well, I feel sick of this topic. You'd better...那好,我也讨厌这
迷你对话学口语2019-06-24迷你对话学英语口语 第1345期:摆架子
第一,迷你对话A: I met Bob in the hall yesterday.我昨天在大厅里遇见了Bob。B: What did you talk to him?你和他说了什么?A: Nothing. I invited him to get together someday, but he said
迷你对话学口语2019-06-24迷你对话学英语口语 第1334期:绝境;绝望的深渊
第一,迷你对话A: We must do something to same him from the slough of despond.我们必须做点什么,让他不再绝望。B: But it is hard. This time he was hit by a big shock.但是那太难了,他
迷你对话学口语2019-06-24迷你对话学英语口语 第1333期:爱摆架子的人
第一,迷你对话A: Our major is very famous!市长很有名气。B: You seem to like him very much.你好像很喜欢他。A: You don't?难道你不喜欢他吗?B: Not at all. He's really a stuffe
迷你对话学口语2019-06-24迷你对话学英语口语 第1332期:趁热打铁
第一,迷你对话A: Let George cut and win her.让George插手把她弄到手。B: You mean, strike while the iron is hot.你的意思是趁热打铁。A: Yeah. You know she is fresh to the school.是的,
迷你对话学口语2019-06-24迷你对话学英语口语 第1331期:完全合适
第一,迷你对话A: Your proposal suits us down the ground.你的建议正和我意。B: It's my pleasure.谢谢你。A: Work hard; you will have a beautiful tomorrow.好好干,你大有前途。B: Th
迷你对话学口语2019-06-23迷你对话学英语口语 第1330期:太拘束;拘泥礼节
第一,迷你对话A: I am nervous.我感到很紧张。B: Don't stand on ceremony. Make yourself at home.别太拘束,当在自己家里一样。A: But I'm so worried whether your parents will ac
迷你对话学口语2019-06-23迷你对话学英语口语 第1329期:泄露秘密(无意地)
第一,迷你对话A: What's your present to your husband?你送给丈夫的礼物是什么?B: A shirt. A very famous brand. Do you think it's nice?一件衬衫,是名牌的,你觉得好吗?A: Yeah
迷你对话学口语2019-06-23迷你对话学英语口语 第1328期:信口开河
第一,迷你对话A: You didn't seems to be interested in talking with Kate.你看起来没有兴趣和Kate说话。B: No, I don't like to talk with anyone who speaks like a book.是的,我不
迷你对话学口语2019-06-23迷你对话学英语口语 第1327期:说话虚情假意
第一,迷你对话A: It seems that you don't like Jenny, do you?你好像不喜欢Jenny,是吗?B: Yeah. I don't like the way she speak to me.是的,我不喜欢她跟我说话的方式。A: She sp
迷你对话学口语2019-06-23迷你对话学英语口语 第1326期:聊以自慰的话
第一, 迷你对话A: They says that my new car is a waste of money.他们说我买新车是浪费钱。B: Don't you think these words just are sour grapes?你不认为这些话是因为自己没有才这样说
迷你对话学口语2019-06-22迷你对话学英语口语 第1325期:那又怎么呢
第一,迷你对话A: I just cannot understand why you are so fussy.我真不明白你为何那么令人讨厌。B: What did you say?你说什么?A : I mean why you are so careful about other's life.
迷你对话学口语2019-06-22迷你对话学英语口语 第1324期:觉察事情不对头
第一,迷你对话A: I got conned by someone. I was almost taken to the cleaner.我被人骗了,几乎要倾家荡产了。B: Nothing rang to the bell.没有什么事情让你怀疑吗?A: No. I have so much
迷你对话学口语2019-06-22迷你对话学英语口语 第1323期:被遗忘,被忽略
第一,迷你对话A: I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I was so busy and the date completely slipped my mind.抱歉,我忘记你的生日了。我很忙,完全忘记这个日子了。B: Never mind.不要
迷你对话学口语2019-06-22迷你对话学英语口语 第1322期:诽谤某人;诋毁某人的名声
第一,迷你对话A: Have you told Mike all that?你把那一切都告诉Mike 了吗?B: Well, he knew everything.嗯,他都知道了。A: He will never sling mud at anyone, will he?他不会诽谤任何人,
迷你对话学口语2019-06-22迷你对话学英语口语 第1321期:产生幻觉;见神见鬼
第一,迷你对话A: Long time no see.很久没见了。B: I must be seeing things. Fancy meeting you here!我一定是在做梦,真不敢相信在这里遇见你。A: Why not? It's a small world, isn'
迷你对话学口语2019-06-21迷你对话学英语口语 第1320期:令大吃一惊;令大感意外
第一,迷你对话A: I have something for you. It will shake you to the foundations.我有件事情告诉你,会让你大吃一惊。B: What? Please tell me.什么,请快告诉我。A: Your sister-in-law i
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