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名人教你讲英文:从拉布战谈Critical Reading (2)


名人教英文:从拉布战谈critical reading (2)

上周引用了小女早前在《南华早报》对于立法会拉布战的评论。她说,提出过千项修订的议员"have truly refined the art of specificity"(把形容细致的艺术升华),用了讽刺(irony)的修辞法,但不等于作者对拉布采取敌视(hostile)的态度。


although the majority will has so far prevailed (占上风), with the amendments (修订案) being rejected one by one, this situation is most certainly not a victory for our democracy. activity that does not advance (推进) a bill (草案) and serves no purpose but to indefinitely delay voting prevents lawmakers from exercising their role as elected representatives of the people. the most crippling (害处极大的) result of a filibuster (拉布) is its obstruction (妨碍) to the legislative process.