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实战口语情景对话 第1131期:The Perfect Candidate 完美的选手
Aimee: So what are some of the characteristics of the women and the girls who always win?
艾米:在选美比赛中获胜的女生有哪些特质?Gilda: Well, you know, they have – well, re实战口语情景对话 第1130期:Beauty Pageants 选美比赛
Aimee: Hey, Gilda. I heard that beauty pageants are really popular in Venezuela.
艾米:嗨,吉尔达。我听说选美比赛在委内瑞拉很受欢迎。Gilda: Yes, they are. They are a huge thing in实战口语情景对话 第1129期:Disc Golf 飞盘高尔夫
Sarah: So John, do you like to play golf?
萨拉:约翰,你喜欢打高尔夫吗?John: Well, no. I don't play golf very much, but I play disc golf.
约翰:不喜欢。我不太常打高尔夫,不过我实战口语情景对话 第1128期:Super Party 超级碗派对
Todd: Hey Katie. I'm having a party, Super Bowl party at my house on Sunday in a couple of weeks. Would you like to come over?
托德:嗨,凯蒂。几周以后的一个周日我要在家里办超级碗实战口语情景对话 第1127期:Brush and Shave 刷牙和剃须
Todd: Okay. So Meg, this week we're talking about just grooming habits and stuff. So let's go now to like out teeth. Now, the dentist says you should floss every day. Do you flos
实战口语情景对话2018-01-26实战口语情景对话 第1126期:Shower Schedule 淋浴时间表
Todd: So Meg, I have an interesting question for you.
托德:梅格,我想问你一个有意思的问题。Meg: Okay.
梅格:好。Todd: So the other day I was talking with a friend and she asked实战口语情景对话 第1125期:Power of Personality 性格的力量
Abidemi: So Rory, in the last conversation we were talking about changing your personality and you never said what you thought of that.
阿比德米:罗瑞,上次我们讨论了改变个性,可是实战口语情景对话 第1124期:Introverts and Extroverts 内向和外向
Abidemi: Hi. So Rory.
阿比德米:嗨,罗瑞。Rory: Yeah, hi.
罗瑞:嗨。Abidemi: Hi. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
阿比德米:嗨。你性格内向还是外向?Rory: I'm not sure, you实战口语情景对话 第1123期:Lifestyle Options 生活方式的不同选择
Sarah: All right, Adam. So we're going to talk about lifestyle choices. First question for you is would you rather have a roommate or live alone?
萨拉:好,亚当。我们来谈谈生活方实战口语情景对话 第1122期:Having Roommates 室友
Adam: Hi Sarah. Today we're talking about lifestyle options. So my first question would be would you rather live with a roommate or live by yourself?
亚当:嗨,萨拉。今天我们来谈实战口语情景对话 第1121期:Is College Worth It? 应该上大学吗?
Todd: So Marianne, we're talking about education. And things are changing. Society is changing as it always is. But these days, you can pretty much learn anything on your own. And
实战口语情景对话2018-01-23实战口语情景对话 第1120期:Good Teacher / Bad Teacher 好老师和坏老师
Todd: So Marianne, we're going to talk about education, and we're going to talk about the qualities of a good and bad teacher. And I'm a teacher so this is important for me, so
实战口语情景对话2018-01-22实战口语情景对话 第1119期:SoMe Love 网络恋爱
Todd: Hey, Marianne. So we're talking about love and relationships in the modern era. So the question is do you think social media changes how people date?托德:嘿,玛丽安。我们
实战口语情景对话2018-01-22实战口语情景对话 第1118期:Love and Relationships in France 法国的恋爱关系
Todd: Hello, Marianne. I thought we would talk about love and relationships today.
托德:你好,玛丽安。我们来谈谈现在的爱情和恋爱关系。Marianne: Okay.
玛丽安:好。Todd: If you do实战口语情景对话 第1117期:Using AirBnB 如何用AirBnB网站
Todd: Okay. So we're talking about housing Meg. You know, these days, a lot of people can actually stay in houses when they travel. Like they don't stay in hotels, they stay in a
实战口语情景对话2018-01-19实战口语情景对话 第1116期:Ridiculously Expensive City 生活成本贵得离谱的城市
Meg: So Todd, I heard that you're from San Francisco and that it's really expensive there maybe to live. Is it – is that true?梅格:托德,我听说你来自旧金山,那是个生活成本
实战口语情景对话2018-01-18实战口语情景对话 第1115期:Fast-Paced Life 快节奏的生活
Abidemi: So Rory, talking about schedules, do you ever think that life is too busy or too much that we're trying to fit too many things?
阿比德米:罗瑞,我们来谈谈日程安排,你是否实战口语情景对话 第1114期:The Perfect Schedule 完美的日程
Rory: So I was thinking about my current job.
罗瑞:我想谈谈我现在的工作。Abidemi: Uh-hmm.
阿比德米:嗯。Rory: And I think like my work schedule is so good.
罗瑞:我认为我的工作实战口语情景对话 第1113期:Working in Television 在电视台工作
Adam: Sarah, I heard you worked in reality TV. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
亚当:萨拉,我听说你在真人秀节目组工作过。你能说说这段经历吗?Sarah: Yeah. When I was livin实战口语情景对话 第1112期:First Jobs 第一份工作
Sarah: So Adam, how old were you when you got your first job?
萨拉:亚当,你第一次工作时多大?Adam: I was 16 but actually my dad tried to get me to work at Baskin & Robbins when I实战口语情景对话 第1111期:Stay-at-home Moms 全职妈妈
John: So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom?
约翰:我们来谈谈女性在社会中的角色。你是全职妈妈还是职场妈妈?Sarah:实战口语情景对话 第1110期:Macho Women 男人婆
John: Okay. So Sarah, you said you participated in rodeos before but I thought only men ride horses in rodeos?
约翰:好,萨拉,你说过你之前参加过牛仔竞技比赛,我之前以为只有男性才实战口语情景对话 第1109期:On the Trail 穿越旅行
John: So Sarah, you talked about competing in a rodeo. Have you done any other sports on horseback?
约翰:萨拉,你之前说过你参加过牛仔竞技比赛。你还做过其他马背上的运动吗?Sarah:实战口语情景对话 第1108期:Rodeo Rider 牛仔竞技者
John: So Sarah, I was wondering, what kind of sports do you like to play?
约翰:萨拉,我想知道,你喜欢什么运动?Sarah: Well, I love riding horses. And actually, when I was in coll实战口语情景对话 第1107期:Truffle Time 松露巧克力
Todd: Okay. So Meg, we're talking about baking. And in the last one, in the last interview, you mentioned cake pops and some other stuff. Now you also mentioned truffles. What is
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