栏目广告位一 |
Researching a company can only tell you so much about how your experience would be if you made the transition from candidate to employee. But there are things you can do during the interview process t
职场英语口语2010-07-09 -
Researching a company can only tell you so much about how your experience would be if you made the transition from candidate to employee. But there are things you can do during the interview process t
职场英语口语2010-07-09 -
Do you have a vision for your career?你对事业有远景规划吗?While some people may get lucky and just happen to wind up on the road to success, others do not, and their lack of planning leads to a dead-
职场英语口语2010-07-09 -
你知道如何建立自己的远景规划吗?下面十个问题可以助你一臂之力。Getting Started开始干吧Are you ready to begin building a vision for your desired professional destination? Brown-Volkman recommends closin
职场英语口语2010-07-09 -
职场英语口语2010-07-09 -
By Anthony Balderrama工作场合太随意,可能会让你或你的同事感到不舒服。该怎么解决呢?下面就工作场合太随意,可能会让你或你的同事感到不舒服。该怎么解决呢?下面就为您提供一些技巧。How to solve the problem如
职场英语口语2010-07-08 -
A meltdown at work could result in probation, suspension and ultimately termination, so work to resolve issues.工作中的情绪崩溃可能导致留用察看、停职,甚至离职,所以一定得把问题解决。本文为您提供了一些
职场英语口语2010-07-08 -
At one time, everyone wore suits to the office. Now casual Fridays stretch into all the weekdays.过去,每个人穿西装上班;现在,星期五休闲日扩展到了所有工作日。At one time, offices were the epitome of
职场英语口语2010-07-08 -
宽松的工作环境很容易就会让人忘乎所以、随便过了头,那么该如果确定这个界限呢?How to tell when you've gone too far如何辨识随便过了头Your words, appearance and behavior are three key factors in gauging
职场英语口语2010-07-08 -
职场英语口语2010-07-08 -
When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,
职场英语口语2010-07-07 -
When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,
职场英语口语2010-07-07 -
When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,
职场英语口语2010-07-07 -
When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,
职场英语口语2010-07-07 -
When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,
职场英语口语2010-07-07 -
Careers start out as a climbing exercise: When can I get promoted? How can I get a raise? What job will be more challenging than my current one?职业生涯如同攀爬运动:什么时候会晋升?如何得到加薪?什么
职场英语口语2010-07-06 -
Careers start out as a climbing exercise: When can I get promoted? How can I get a raise? What job will be more challenging than my current one?职业生涯如同攀爬运动:什么时候会晋升?如何得到加薪?什么
职场英语口语2010-07-06 -
Every boss wants employees who do their jobs well. But even among highly competent employees, there are distinctions. Here are 10 tips for making sure you're on the boss' A-list:每个老板都想要可以将
职场英语口语2010-07-06 -
Every boss wants employees who do their jobs well. But even among highly competent employees, there are distinctions. Here are 10 tips for making sure you're on the boss' A-list:每个老板都想要可以将
职场英语口语2010-07-06 -
One of my Twelve Commandments is “Identify the problem.” So often, I’ve noticed, I suffer some annoyance, but I don’t take the time to understand what the real problem is, so I never work on solvi
职场英语口语2010-07-05 -
When it comes to networking, working a room can be daunting, especially for those uncomfortable with the social pressures of schmoozing. But there’s no underestimating the value of connections gleane
职场英语口语2010-07-05 -
When it comes to networking, working a room can be daunting, especially for those uncomfortable with the social pressures of schmoozing. But there’s no underestimating the value of connections gleane
职场英语口语2010-07-05 -
在某些行业,职业化的着装非常重要。雇主们对着装也有一定的限制。Employer restrictions雇主限制Especially in the warmer months of the year, employees take advantage of more relaxed dress codes. But, profe
职场英语口语2010-07-05 -
我们都知道工作场合的着装确实会影响个人的职业发展,那么该如何让自己看起来更职业化、更受老板待见呢?Here are four tips for dressing professionally on the job:下面四点建议教你如何让穿着职业化:• St
职场英语口语2010-07-05 -
Employers say they are more likely to promote well-dressed workers.雇主们说他们更有可能提拔穿着体面的员工。Company dress codes are a never-ending battle in the working world.企业着装规则是职场上一场永
栏目广告位二 |