栏目广告位一 |
托福词汇之“January blues一月焦虑”
January blues means people spend 15 hours a day at home - causing "cabinfever". “一月忧郁”指人们每天在家待的时间长达15个小时,引发了“幽居病”。 Cab
托福词汇2016-01-18 -
Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panicbrought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financialyear and pressure from wor
托福词汇2016-01-18 -
Iceberg tweeting refers to posting a note to Twitter where the visible textis only a small part of the overall message. “冰山推文”是指在推特上发布一条推文,可以看
托福词汇2016-01-11 -
托福词汇之“new year block新年障碍”
New year's block is a condition that usually takes place the first coupleof weeks into the new year, in which a person keeps writing in the last/previousyear in place of the n
托福词汇2016-01-11 -
托福词汇2016-01-11 -
Senator Lindsay Graham, who has yet to grace the main stage this year, iscredited with coining the term ‘happy hour debate', alluding to the lateafternoon starting time
托福词汇2016-01-07 -
1. The bathroom gets chilly in the winter. 冬天浴室变得很冷。 2. She opened the window and I was hit by an icy blast of air. 她打开窗户,一阵刺骨的寒风向我袭来。 3.
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
托福词汇之“庸才当道bozo explosion”
Bozo explosion is the large number of inept employees that a company endsup with when it hires an incompetent executive, who in turn hires incompetentmanagers, who then hire in
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
▌下跌 表示股票价格“下跌”的动词很多,表示股票“小幅下跌”,可以用dip,edge down,slip lower等。像dive,nosedive,plunge,plummet,tumble,sink等动词,
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
circuit breaker mechanism:熔断机制 事情是这样子的…… 2016年首个交易日两市暴跌,沪深300指数在午后13点13分跌幅扩大至5%,触发熔断机制,个股全面暂停交易,两市将
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
Shanghai Composite Index 上证综合指数 Shenzhen Component Index 深证成份股指数 Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index 香港恒生指数 A-share market A股市场 B-share market B股市场
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
slump 暴跌 tumble 暴跌 slip 下跌 retreat 下跌 fall 下跌 drop 下降 decline 下降 bearish 看跌的,下跌的 lose ground 下跌 edge down 微降 dip 微降
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
surge 大涨 gain 上涨 soar 飞涨 climb 攀升 rally 回升 buoy 提振 bullish 看涨的;上扬的 fund inflow 资金流入 capital inflow 资金流入 outperform 跑赢(大盘
托福词汇2016-01-06 -
Hillary Clinton has vowed to "get to the bottom" of UFOs if she becomes thenext President of the United States. 希拉里承诺,若能成功当选总统,将彻查UFO的真相。 And the De
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
Fassage refers to a spa treatment that includes both a facial and afull-body massage. “双重温泉疗法”是指既包括面部按摩,又有全身按摩的Spa疗法。 Fassage是由fac
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
托福阅读背景知识之“male answer syndrome”
Male answer syndrome(MAS) is the tendency for some men to answer a questioneven when they don't know the answer. “男性回答综合征”指部分男性听到有人提问题就想回答
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
出站(出港、离开) departures 国际机场 international airport 登机手续办理 check-in 国内机场 domestic airport 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼 airport termina
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
姓 family name 名 First (Given) Name 性别 sex 偕行人数 accompanying number 年 year 月 month 日 day 护照号 passport No. 男 male 女 female 职业 occu
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
姓 surname 名 first (given) name 性别 sex 出生日期 birthdate 国籍 nationality 护照号 passport No. 失效日期(或必须在…日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before
托福词汇2016-01-05 -
托福词汇之“数字失忆digital amnesia”
Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things, such astelephone numbers, dates, how to get somewhere without a GPS, or how to do mathwithout using a calculat
托福词汇2016-01-04 -
托福词汇之“入门蔬菜gateway vegetable”
托福词汇2016-01-04 -
There's a new creature roaming the streets: the petextrian, or textingpedestrian. 大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。 You know him by his h
托福词汇2016-01-04 -
托福词汇之“道路瘦身road diet”
托福词汇2016-01-04 -
托福词汇之“omega male绝世衰男”
托福词汇2016-01-04 -
在大城市里,堵车犹如家常便饭。不想被堵在路上,又不愿在地铁里人挤人?“电动脚踏车”是个既方便又环保的出行方式。 edelec refers to a bicycle equipped with an electri
栏目广告位二 |