栏目广告位一 |
托福词汇之“interspecies friendship”跨种群友情
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
都说“每逢佳节胖三斤”,过完年,你的体重有没有增加呢?眼看着春天就要来了,到时候穿上清新的春装,腰间要是出现“小轮胎”可就不好看了哦! 今天,我们就跟大家说
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
"Fangirling" is a term used to describe extreme excitement over a certainfandom. For example, if you were a Hunger Games fan, and a new trailer came out,you might start fangirl
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
Eddiction is an addiction to electronic devices such as laptops,smartphones, and tablets. Eddiction is characterized by the constant need tocheck your smartphone for the latest
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
托福词汇之“空想家idea debtor”
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
恒星英语网托福频道为各位考生带来托福词汇之“情绪安慰”,希望对大家有所帮助。 assuagement缓和;镇静 compassion同情;怜悯 condolence[常作~s]吊唁;慰问;慰问的词句
托福词汇2016-02-25 -
bleak苍凉的; blustery狂风大作的 ; cloudy阴天; cold冷; depressing压抑的; desolate荒凉的; dismal阴沉的; dreary沉闷的; foggy有雾的; freezing冻结的; f
托福词汇2016-02-24 -
加拿大大学商科专业,在大学里的商学院一般是相对独立的一个大系,常常以其赞助发起人的名字命名,如西安大略大学的商学院全称是Richard IveySchool of Business,以其发起人叫做RichardIve
托福词汇2016-02-23 -
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
Do nails on a chalkboard make you cringe? Imagine if a sound could make youpanic or fly into a rage. 指甲划过黑板的声音是否让你难以忍受?或许有种声音会让你惊恐或者勃然大怒。
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
托福词汇之“惯性迟到chronic lateness”
总是勉强在最后一分钟赶到公司?赴约时就算提前打出几小时的富余,最后还是会迟到?有人说这是拖延症的表现,可专家说,这种情况叫chroniclateness(惯常迟到)。 Do any of the following s
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
托福词汇之“spills back排队蔓延”
恒星英语网托福频道为各位考生带来托福词汇之“spills back排队蔓延”,希望对大家有所帮助。 Spillback is the full or partial blockage of an intersection by one or more
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
A makerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, hackerspace or hackspace) is acommunity-operated workspace where people with common interests, often incomputers, machining, techno
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
Perma-youth (also seen as permayouth) is appearance of youthfulnessmaintained over time by using cosmetic surgery; or a person who maintains suchan appearance. Perma-youth指
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
托福词汇之“car-free sunday"无车星期天
恒星英语网托福频道为各位考生带来托福词汇之“car-free sunday"无车星期天,希望对大家有所帮助。 Singapore is holding its first car-free Sunday on 28 February, with special
托福词汇2016-02-22 -
Monkey Idioms in English 英语中与猴子相关的短语表达 >Make a monkey out of (someone) 让某人出丑、难堪 He made a monkey out of me by calling me names in front of myg
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“ice pancakes冰雪薄饼”
Unusual 'ice pancakes' normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic havebeen spotted in Britain, as temperatures plunged to -11C with almost the wholecountry in the grip o
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“MONA LISA hypothesis蒙娜丽莎综合症”
“蒙娜丽莎综合症”---MONA LISA hypothesis是取英语Most Obesities kNown Are Low InSympatheticActivity(意即“大多数的肥胖是由交感神经不够活跃而造成的”)的首字母
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“husband chair老公椅”
A man chair, also known as husband chair, is the chair that men sit inwhile their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found inalmost any clothing or shoe
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“inbox rot好友请求”
Inbox rot means to neither accept, nor decline a friend request fromsomeone on social networking sites. This strategy is used in situations when youdon't want to accept someon
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“电邮快递员email courier”
Email courier is an individual who gets out of their chair and approachessomeone's desk or workstation in a work environment almost immediately aftersending them an email, usu
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“经济型素食者economic vegetarian”
Economic vegetarian is not a real vegetarian, but someone who only consumesnon-meat meals when they can't afford to buy meat, normally in the middle of amonth when the last mo
托福词汇2016-02-03 -
托福词汇之“extraterrestrial life外星生命”
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner arepushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear. The pair saidMonday the $100m program f
栏目广告位二 |