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70天攻克考研英语词汇 Day 1

    assimilate v.
    The students assimilate knowledge rapidly.
    [猜一猜]  A. 珍惜 B. 阅读 C.(使或被)吸收,消化  D. 刻苦
    [翻译]  学生们吸收知识极为迅速。
    [分析]  as-+ simil + -ate    ad-, to+ simila r相似 + 使
    [大头巧计]  as, as the same as 和…一样; simil, similar 相似;-ate, 使 → 使相似。
    [词义扩展] (使或被)同化 The children of the immigrants easily assimilated into American culture.  移民的孩子很容易就被美国文化所同化。

    assign v.
    My boss assigned me the task of finding new offices to rent.
    [猜一猜] A.协助 B.成功 C.迁移 D.分配
    [翻译]   经理让我负责去找几间新的办公室。
    [分析]  as