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Actually. Adverb, mostly. When Sarah Miller declared war on literally over at The Awl, I argued that actually was worse, the "talk to the hand of the adverb community," or "the word that you use when you're actually saying, 'You are wrong, and I am right, and you are at least a little bit of an idiot.'" Actually, I still agree with that.

Artisanal. Adjective. I got rid of Artisanal this May, or at least I tried to, and I wrote him an obituary I thought he would appreciate—"Artisanal, a word that fought early in his career to ensure recognition of craftsmen for their important contributions to society before later being drafted into the creation of a worldwide gourmet branding glut, died Wednesday at his brownstone in Brooklyn overlooking a small gourmet mayonnaise store. At best estimates, he was approximately 474 years old." And yet ... he has the audacity to continue to pop up in cubicles. As related to NASA. On The Simpsons. In, yes, mayo. On pizza crusts, in another word form. Everywhere, including even in water. He is us and we are he. Like a character in a soap opera who turns out to have been living in a cave and plotting his revenge the whole time that his lover and arch nemesis thought he'd been "taken care of" by a biker gang off the coast of Newfoundland, Artisanal is not going away anytime soon, I fear. He'll probably live forever.

Baby Bump. Horrid compound noun. I just hate this twee term, I really do, which manages to be both infantalizing and depersonalizing to both baby bump and baby carrier. It's not a bump; that human woman is pregnant. (See T for more on twee).

Brogrammer. Noun. Our tech writer Rebecca Greenfield offers up her opinion on this one, which she sees as an issue with meaning rather than the specific formulation of letters: "The word itself isn't so horrible, though we're starting to get a little tired of the portmanteaux [see P for more on that]," she says. "But it describes the rise of a darker side of tech nerdism that makes us sad. While the phenomenon might not be as widespread as certain reports suggest, over the last year we've seen instances of sexism come out of that world that lead us to believe at least some Silicon Valley coders fall under this fratty programmer umbrella. Like, all the times tech companies have used 'bikini babes' in professional settings. Come on, guys."
花花码农。名词。我们的科技作家瑞贝卡·格林菲德有话说,她把这看成一件有含义的事儿,而不仅仅是字母组合:“这个词本身并不可怕,虽然我们已经对旅行箱(portmantaux,见P字部)有点厌倦了,” 她说,“但这个词描述了科技闷蛋暗黑面的崛起,这一面让我们伤感。虽然这个现象并不像有些报道说的那么普遍,在去年一年中,我们已经看到了性别歧视,以至于我们相信,至少有那么一些硅谷码农已经归入这类程序员的俱乐部。比如,科技公司总是在工作的时候说‘三点式宝贝’。拜托,男人们!”

Butt-chugging. Whatever you want it to be, really. This one from language columnist and linguist Ben Zimmer, who wrote in an email, "My candidate for worst word of the year is butt-chugging. It’s an unpleasant term for an unpleasant practice, which came to light when a member of the University of Tennessee’s Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning." He explains further of this horrible term and its horrible logistical realities, "Reports said he had engaged in an alcohol enema, known in frat circles as butt-chugging. The student, through his lawyer, denied the butt-chugging charge, but in so doing made the slang term national news. I hope I never have to hear it again."
灌屁眼。你觉得是什么词就是什么词吧。这个词来自语言专栏作家和语言学家本·辛门的一封电邮:“我提名的年度最糟词语是‘灌屁眼’。这是一个关于一件恶心的事的恶心的词,起源自一个田纳西州大学Pi Kappa Alpha兄弟会的成员由于酒精中毒而入院。”他继续解释这个恐怖的词语和它所指的现实,“报告称,他被酒精灌肠,这在兄弟会圈中被称为‘灌屁眼’。该名学生,通过他的律师,否认了指控,但这样做确让这个词风行全国。我希望我再也不用听到这个词了。”