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Jeah. Expression of douchey enthusiasm. Drew Magary explains: "So Jeah ... Jeah is the 'Jayden' of catchphrases. Ryan Lochte took a normal word ("Yeah") and then EXTREEMIFIED 50% by subbing the J. Jeah makes me despise the idea of affirming anything. I don't want to be here when he coins Xamesome and Zadical."

Kony. Proper noun. Grantland's Rembert Browne traces the evolution of this one for us: "I don't think there's a word that has had so many different life cycles and connotations in one year as the word Kony. The word, the last name of Joseph Kony, the Ugandan leader responsible for numerous war crimes, was virtually unknown in the mainstream andscape in the beginning of 2012. Then, in March, it became the name of a viral movement, KONY, aimed at taking him down, headed by director Jason Russell. At this point, the word KONY was everywhere. And while the word was a bad thing (the last name of a ruthless leader), the word became word for good (stopping the ruthless dictator). The point of KONY was to stop Kony. But then, a few weeks later, the San Diego police found Russell naked in the street, interfering with traffic, appearing to have completely snapped. And the video of that became the new KONY video. It was at that point that KONY became something bad again, or more a joke of a phrase than an important movement. The buildup to April 20, the date at which all of those around the world that supported KONY were supposed to band together, had been deflated and while not completely dead, the movement was all but over some three weeks after it started. Both KONY and Kony still exist, but as the year comes to a close, both are approaching their pre-2012 levels of importance within the American landscape, which is, again, very little."

Legitimate rape. Adjective-noun clause. "Missouri Rep. Todd Akin used this term in August to explain that in for-real rapes, women can't get pregnant because their bodies reject rapist sperm, and it's the major reason he was unable to defeat Sen. Claire McCaskill in November," remembers Elspeth Reeve. "Akin eventually apologized for both the word legitimate and the fake science. But if you've ever hung out in a frat house or military barracks, you know that he was voicing a common sentiment — that some women 'cry rape' to get back at their boyfriends or husbands. Akin himself suggested that as a state legislator in 1991, when he said he warned a marital rape statute might be used 'in a real messy divorce as a tool and a legal weapon to beat up on the husband.'" Alas, Akin's defeat doesn't mean the phrase and the sentiment behind it haven't continued to exist, though.

Meggings. Noun. These are "men's tights" and worse than men wearing tights (let 'em wear what they like, we say!) is the horrifying proliferation of the word meggings to describe tights worn by men. One small up-side is that meggings make jeggings sound rather lovely, actually.

Nostalgia. Existential noun. Village voice web editor Nick Greene waxes nostalgic on nostalgia. "A long time ago, nostalgia was thought to be a medical condition, something so powerful it could cause pyrexic fits or even death. Once people realized you couldn't actually bite the big one from nostalgia, it still was classified as a type of depression. Nowadays, nostalgia is a cheap throwaway word that has lost all its clinical power; it's used to define a trivial pining, be it for a television show cancelled 7 months ago or a broad, complicated construct like the '90s. And if you think I am being nostalgic for the former usage of nostalgia, then you are part of the problem."
怀旧。存在主义名词。Village voice网站编辑尼克·格林尼用“怀旧的情怀”给“怀旧”上光。“很久很久以前,怀旧被认为是一种病,它是如此强大以至于能引起热病甚至死亡。一旦人们发现你因为怀旧而胃口不好,你也会被归类为抑郁。现在,怀旧是一个廉价的被遗忘的词,它已经没有了临床价值,而是用于定义一种琐碎的渴望,可能是一个七个月没播的电视节目,或者一种广大复杂的构建,比如90后。如果你觉得我对于过去对“怀旧”的使用产生了怀旧的情怀,那么,你也是有问题的人之一。”