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2011-12-09来源:dump little man

Living With Purpose

Young children will do anything to avoid going to sleep at night. These same children are also the ones that can't wait to get out of bed first thing in the world. The simple reason for this non-lazy behavior is that they don't want to miss a thing.

As adults we may need more persuasion than 'not wanting to miss a thing'. This is why we take extra steps in creating fun, life changing goals, and scheduling specific ways of how we'll get a step closer to these goals during this coming day. What we all need is not necessary a cause we're willing to die for, but at least a cause we're willing to LIVE for.
作为成年人,“对世界的好奇心” 在我们身上已经难觅踪迹。因此,我们需要采取其他方式来创造乐趣,树立生活目标,制定工作计划,让每天离实现目标都更进一步。我们需要的不一定是一项为之奋斗终身的事业,但至少我们应该设立一个生活目标。