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3.Keep Your Cool With A Pair Of Shades

Research published this year in the journal Cognition& Emotion found that when people walk in direct sun sans sunglasses, the light-induced frowning actually causes them to feel P.O.'d. Although most beachcombers reported being unaffected by all that squinting, those who were asked to walk unshaded against the rays (as opposed to with the sun at their backs) had increased aggressiveness scores on subsequent tests. Simply looking angry translates into feeling that way, too. study co-author Daniele Marzoli, PhD, suggests seeking shade during heated exchanges: "Compared to indoor conversations, outdoor conversations could lead to more hostile interactions because of the anger-intensifying effects of the sun's glare." Or use it as an excuse to don your new pair of aviators -- you might just ground an altercation before it takes off.
今年《认知与情感》杂志发表的研究发现,人们不戴墨镜走在直射的阳光下时,因为强光而皱起眉头感觉其实挺不爽的。尽管沙滩上大多数人表示眯着眼睛也没什么影响,但是叫他们直接走在大太阳下(而不是背朝着太阳),在随后的测试中表现出了更强的攻击性。做出不高兴的样子真的会让人不高兴。论文的共同作者Daniele Marzoli博士建议在高温下交换意见时尽量找点荫头:“和室内交谈相比,室外交谈可能导致更多带有敌意的互动,因为阳光会使怒气更盛。”你也可以趁着这个机会戴上你新买的飞行员墨镜——可别还没起飞就吵起来了。