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华尔街高级英语学习教程第8课:绑架事件Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
JUANITA: Can you get it please, David?
DAVID: I'm busy, darling. I've got to mark my students' homework.
JUANITA: I'm busy too; I'm looking after your baby!
DAVID: She's your华尔街高级英语学习教程第8课:绑架事件Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
MYSTERY KIDNAPPING OF MEXICAN MILLIONAIRE FROM OUR LATIN AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT In a daring lightning attack yesterday afternoon, 58-year-old industrialist and factory华尔街高级英语学习教程第8课:绑架事件Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
ANNIE: How are you getting on with my bike, Jean? I've got to go out soon.
JEAN: It's nearly finished. It's only got a flat tire, you know, Annie. I don't see why you couldn't华尔街高级英语学习教程第9课:私下相会Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
KRISTI: Look Annie, I've got a confession to make. When I said I was a journalist, that wasn't actually true.
ANNIE: Really? I must say, I did wonder.
KRISTI: No, it was just an华尔街高级英语学习教程第9课:私下相会Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
MELISSA: Why do you keep staring at me?
DAVID: Maybe it's because you're nice to look at, Melissa.
MELISSA: So are you, David.
DAVID: Oh, that was an amazing meal! I love Greek f华尔街高级英语学习教程第9课:私下相会Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
DJ: And that was "Keeps Us Apart" by Tony Moroni, as he goes Country and Western. Tony, in fact, now lives in Nashville, Tennessee, the very home of Country music. That song's cur
华尔街高级英语2016-07-15华尔街高级英语学习教程第9课:私下相会Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
HENSON: I've spoken to the Chief, Bedges. I've tried to put in a good word for you.
BEDGES: Thank you, Mr Henson.
HENSON: And he's agreed to give you a second chance.
BEDGES: He华尔街高级英语学习教程第9课:私下相会Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
Recorded by Toni Moroni and the Sheetkickers on Tough
Hit Records
There's a sad little girl who just stares at the window,
Waiting to see if her华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
BAZ BAXTER: Well, thank you very much for a wonderful song, Tony Moroni. What a voice that guy's got, eh? Just like my wife, in fact: a lovely voice, but not a damn thing to say!
华尔街高级英语2016-07-15华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
HARRY: Hello, Edith. Is he here yet?
EDITH: Who do you mean, sir?
HARRY: Detective-Sergeant Morris, of course: the one who's taking over from Bedges.
EDITH: No, he hasn't arrived华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
ROGER: Good afternoon. I've come to inquire about Mr Theo Gusper, who, I believe, died here in most tragic circumstances the other day. I wish to express my sincere condolences.
R华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
The Editor, “The Sunday Post”,
Merdoch Towers, 2525 Marina Highway, 42224 Washdon
23rd April
Dear Mr Roach,
I am writing to you to give you due notice that I ha华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
HENSON: Well, Morris, did you make a note of all that?
MORRIS: Better than that, sir. I recorded it on my portable tape-recorder.
HENSON: Hmm, very clever. Well, there's no time t华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act6 (MP3和文本下载)
SPECTATOR: Help! What is it?
ROGER: Where's your buddy?
SPECTATOR: Who do you mean?
ROGER: The guy who was sitting in the next seat - where is he?
SPECTATOR: I don't know anythin华尔街高级英语学习教程第10课:追踪消息Act7 (MP3和文本下载)
MARIE-FRANCE: David, isn't there another way of saying "I speak English very well"?
DAVID: Yeah, there are several other ways of saying it, Marie-France. Anybody?
STIG: I speak En华尔街高级英语学习教程第11课:地址是切尔诺贝利大道26号Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
MORRIS: Good afternoon, sir. Hello Mr Henson, everything going alright?
HARRY: This isn't a party, Morris. Get on with your report, please.
MORRIS: Sorry, sir. Well, I'm afraid I华尔街高级英语学习教程第11课:地址是切尔诺贝利大道26号Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
SCHOOL RECEPTIONIST: Lovely morning, isn't it, David? Hey, are you alright?
DAVID: Sure, I'm just fine. I go through life, singing a happy song.
RECEPTIONIST: You must be awfully华尔街高级英语学习教程第11课:地址是切尔诺贝利大道26号Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
JEAN: So, Annie, you called the meeting. What’s on your mind?
ANNIE: The thing is, I feel that far too many people have been coming around here lately, and a lot of them we h华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act1 (MP3和文本下载)
JOHN: Here I am then, ready for all those gorgeous housewives, sitting around at home with nothing to do! Geez, these things are heavy! I sure hope I manage to sell a few of them s
华尔街高级英语2016-07-15华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act2 (MP3和文本下载)
LILIANE: Now my dear, you've just got to tell me! Is it true that David's father was a member of an international criminal gang, and that he was murdered by his boss?
JUANITA: Ce华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act3 (MP3和文本下载)
ROGER: So here you are, at last!
HUGO: It was as if he'd been expecting me. I moved back to the other end of the boat, with my mind working fast. Fortunately I had a knife on me,华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act4 (MP3和文本下载)
DAVID: Aiko!
AIKO: David! How nice to see you!
DAVID: And you, too. Hey, whose washing have you got there?
AIKO: It belongs to one of my clients.
DAVID: Your what?
AIKO: It's all华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act5 (MP3和文本下载)
MARCO: Excuse me; my name is Marco Benini. I have an appointment with Mr Ramirez.
RECEPTIONIST #31: Would you take a seat over there, please? I'll call you when he's ready.
MARCO华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act6 (MP3和文本下载)
BAZ BAXTER: Well, thank you very much for a wonderful song, Tony Moroni. What a voice that guy's got, eh? Just like my wife, in fact: a lovely voice, but not a damn thing to say!
华尔街高级英语2016-07-15华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act7 (MP3和文本下载)
HENSON: Well, Morris, did you make a note of all that?
MORRIS: Better than that, sir. I recorded it on my portable tape-recorder.
HENSON: Hmm, very clever. Well, there's no time t
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