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T: Stick with us later, because we're gonna be planning your dogs' dream vacation.

J: Right, but first, shaking an infant out of anger or frustration can lead to a severe brain damage, even death.

T: That’s right ,but a New Jersey company called Bouncing Babies is making it safer than ever to shake your baby, joining us now is founder of Bouncing Babies, Kelly Timmons, hi, Kelly.

K: Thanks for having me.

J: Kelly, tells us about this amazing product you've created.

K: Well, it’s called the Baby Safe Ball, and it keeps your baby one hundred percent safe, no matter how hard you shake him or her, because let's face it, whether he's teething or he's got cold, the fact is he's going to drive you crazy, crying and making noises some days, and you are gonna have to throttle it.

T: Yeah, well, it looks like it will make a great shower gift.

K: Oh, yes, it’s perfect for first-time mothers, and I also recommend it to daycare centers or nannies, anyone who’s working with a new born.

J: Right, well, wonderful, so, show us how it works.

K: Well, it uses gyroscope technology which keeps the baby upright no matter which way you shove or throw it.

J: So the baby's neck won't snap under the weight of its skull being thrown back and forth.

K: That’s right, exactly, and on the outside, it's got thick layer of break-resistant polyurethane, so you can throw this thing against the stone wall and it won't crack.

J: Oh, now this yields your own personal Baby Safe Ball.

K: Yep, and, these dents in it (is) from when I put my first born Tyler and beat it with a hammer.

J: You know Kelly, we have had one of our producers volunteer her own baby Sam to be used as a demonstrator, so you can show us exactly how the Baby Safe Ball works.

K: I'll be glad to.

T: Oh he is so sweet.

K: Oh but just imagine he's been crying, and crying, and you know he is not hungry and his diaper is dry, and so you don't know why he’s crying, but he just won't stop.

J: You just have to get in the right mindset—crazy.

K: Ok, so put him in there.

J: Here you go.

K: See, you just pop the baby inside, and buckle him up.

J: That looks cozy, I don't think a baby should mind being shaken there.

K: That’s the idea, ok, so just close the hatch.( Here you go.) Go ahead, pick it up, Jim.

J: Okay, oh, it’s actually quite light.

K: Yes, and it’s sound proof, and there are clowns painted on the inside, so while you're out there shouting and screaming, it's just thinking about clowns.

T: That’s genius.

K: Absolutely, here like this, stop crying, why won't you stop crying.

J: Oh, I see, yes, it is really that simple.

K: And you can stab it with forks, or knives or broken bottle tops, try it out Tracy.

T: It’s great.

J: OK. So you can actually punt your baby down the stairs, he wouldn't even know the diff.

K: Oh he'll probably just nap right through it.

T: Stop crying, (That is the idea.) stop crying, you are not being quiet, (Perfect.) stop. (Good girl.) Someone!

J: Let it out Tracy. Let it out.

K: You all wanted to do this, right? That's good.

J: All right, Kelly Timmons, everybody. Thanks very much for being on the show, (Oh, thank you.) and you stay right where you are, because coming up back after the break, we are gonna learn computers.


1.       teething: 出牙

2.       throttle: to kill or injure someone by holding their throat very tightly so that they cannot breathe

3.       gyroscope: a wheel that spins inside a frame and is used for keeping ships and aircraft steady. It can also be a child's toy.

4.       polyurethane: Any of various resins, widely varying in flexibility, used in tough chemical-resistant coatings, adhesives, and foams.

5.       mindset: someone's general attitude, and the way in which they think about things and make decisions

6.       sound proof: 隔音的

7.       punt: to kick a ball hard so that it goes a long way

8.       diff: difference