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New video shows thousands of demonstrators in Tehran, they are out protesting the results that gave Ahmadinejad a landslide victory. These people say "it was voter fraud." Demonstrations are turning violent, according to some of reports, even deadly. And now Iran's Supreme Leader has launched an investigation into the election.

"We are waiting for reaction from the State Department. We expect to get that soon."

James Rosen is there. Now, James, the U.S. doesn't have any kind of diplomatic presence inside Iran, hasn't for 30 years, so how exactly does the Obama administration plan to track what's going on there?

Well, John, there is an Iran desk here at the State Department. In fact, the personnel for it was beefed up substantially in the last years of the Bush administration, they are monitoring Iranian state run media and other developments, but most importantly the United States does have relations with a number of countries that do have a diplomatic presence inside Iran, including all of our partners in the European Union, and later today we are expecting a joint statement out of many of the foreign ministers of the European Union. Britain, France, Germany are expressing their dissatisfaction, not only with the apparent irregularities in the election, John, but also with the what they call the indiscriminate and overwhelming use of force to crack down on the dissent that has erupted inside Tehran since the election results were announced.