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微软正式发布Windows Phone 7


So we’ve anchored around the thing we call "live tiles" which kind of reflect the world going around you that you might be interested in, so you don't always have to go get an application started for the things that are interesting to you, to pin you and notify you. We build this concept we call "hubs" that kind of in a task-oriented way, integrates what's going on in applications, in services and the cloud, in the web, to bring together for you your entire experience around up person or a piece of entertainment or whatever.

A lot of rumours on whether it would include Live Xbox, whether it would include Zune. Of course, it includes both of those. So this is critical for Microsoft, isn't it? You try to bring everything together and give it to people wirelessly.

Well, we're trying to give people what they want in a mobile device. So yah, it's a Windows Phone, start right there, given that’s a flashy product. We've integrated in a way that's sensible to that device office productivity. We've integrated, there's a Bing search budge button in every phone. And of course, Zune for video, and entertainment and music, and Xbox and Xbox Live for gaming. We're trying to bring all of that together in this experience.

A few years ago, Microsoft had about a quarter of this space. Now it’s down below, the last time I saw, below 10%. So this is a major attempt, in you part, to get back in the game, is that fair?

Yah, we had a very strong market share. And it's a very dynamic market and we have to be dynamic ourselves, if you will. And this Windows Phone 7 series, I think, will really ratchet up, not just our software, but it really enabled a whole new level of innovation amongst our hardware partners who will actually deliver the real Windows Phones.

We've even heard yet who the partners are. We don't know what networks it's gonna be on. When does it roll out? Give us some of that.

Well, we'll be in market for the Christmas season in 2010. We're announcing now because you'll start to hear and see from application developers, from guys who will build phones, like LG, like Samsung, like HTC and many others. Operators like AT&T, and Orange, and many others will be provided Windows Phone devices on their networks. So now is the time. We've taken a very different point of view. You pick up a Windows Phone 7 series, you are not gonna think it looks like any other smart phone on the market. We think a lot of people are going to like it. That's our opportunity. Our key goal now for the next basically 12 months is to make sure we execute super well with what we have. We have started talking to our partners about alternative foreign factors that allow our hardware partners to hit a variety of different price points including some lower price points than we have today.

Yeah, of course we won't know about the price for a while. But you could price yourself out of this market, couldn't you?

No, I don't worry that we price ourselves out of the market. But the truth of the matter is smart phone today is still a relatively small category. (Sure.) There will be over a billion phones sold and smart phones might be 20 percent. And in order to really connect with a higher percentage of the market, we're gonna have to be part of letting people build smart phones at much lower prices than anybody's building them today.


cloud: 云计算

ratchet up: to increase by small amounts

roll out: to make a new product available for people to buy or use

foreign factor: 外部因素