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Iran has warned it won't give in to international pressure after the UN Security Council imposed its toughest sanctions over its nuclear program. The US and western allies held the vote as an unmistakable message to Iran, while stressing the door to negotiation and engagement was still open. But Turkey and Brazil, who voted against further sanctions, warned the UN action would make a diplomatic solution even harder.

After months of hard bargaining, Western powers finally had the numbers in the UN and the Security Council vote approved of it. Twelve votes in favor, two against and one abstention. Critically, China and Russia backed  the sanctions resolution against Iran, but only after it had been watered down.

“The purpose of this resolution is not going to punish the innocent people in Iran.”

The Chinese and Russians did not support crippling economic penalties or an oil embargo. Instead, they agreed to broaden military and financial sanctions, targeting Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard and their interests. The Security Council resolution expands an existing but limited arms embargo, authorizes a new cargo inspection regime, tightens restrictions on Iranian banks and extends a blacklist of companies and individuals subject to travel bans and asset freezes.

The US says the new sanctions are the toughest faced by Iran.

“And it sends an unmistakable message about the international community's commitment to stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.”

But the sanctions' vote was not unanimous. Turkey and Brazil voted against it after brokering a nuclear fuel-swap deal with Iran. It immediately denounced the new sanctions.

“Iran as one of the most powerful and stable countries in the region has never bowed and will never bow to the hostile actions and pressures by these few powers.”

Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was scornfully dismissive. Security Council resolutions, he said, were rubbish like a used hanky. And there was more Iranian defiance.

“No matter how many resolutions are passed, Islamic Republic of Iran will not stop its enrichment activities.”

Previous sanctions haven't worked. The latest are in another attempt to curb Iranian nuclear ambitions. But they could put Iran on a new path of confrontation with the West.

Vesna Nazor, World News, Australia.