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英国收紧移民政策 移民难度增加


I want a new approach, one that is more selective, that brings in more of the genuinely skilled and those who'll make a real difference to our economy. Not only that, we also want to actively encourage entrepreneurs to come. As the Prime Ministersaid yesterday, we will reform the rules for entrepreneurs; so if you have agreat business idea and you receive series investment from a leading investor, you're welcome to set your business up in our country. So, say our research shows that many people entering the UK through the Tier 1 or Tier 2 routes and earning low salaries are not highly qualified or not highly skilled. So we will need to look at taking action to raise the minimum skill levels in Tier 2 and ensuring that those coming to do skilled work will be undertaking a suitable job with the sponsoring employer.

Last year, the UK Border Agency had to suspend student applications in various parts of the world because the system could not cope with the numbers, and could not prevent students without the right qualifications or applying to questionable institutions from getting a VISA. We want suitably qualified students with the genuine desire to come to study in our country, but we must have a more robust system to manage their applications, and most importantly, to ensure their departure at the end of their legitimate stay.

From November29th, those applying for marriage VISAs will have to demonstrate a minimum standard of English. This is only right. People coming to this country must be able to interact with the rest of the population. I may need to go further. We must look at measures to tighten this route, for example, by introducing processes to allow us to check that UK sponsor is able to maintain and accommodate the foreign spouse.

If people enter this country saying they'll only stay here temporarily, then it is obvious that they should only stay here temporarily. Working in Britain for a short period should not give someone the right to settle in Britain. studying a course in Britain should not give someone the right to settle in Britain. Settling in Britain should be a cherished right, not an automatic add-on to a temporary way-in.