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1. At the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have held talks on the troubled Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

hold talks举行会谈
例句:They were scheduled to hold talks with him Wednesday.
peace process和平进程

2. The talks came a day after President Obama, in a major policy address on the Middle East, endorsed a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on lines existing before the 1967 Six Day War.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:One should always base one's opinion on facts.

3. But referring to the unity accord between Fatah and Hamas, Obama said he agreed it will be very difficult for Israel to negotiate "in a serious way" with a party that refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

refer to提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到
例句:Don't refer to the matter again.

4. "Hamas has been, and is an organization that has resorted to terror, that has refused to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, it is not a partner for a significant, realistic peace process," said President Obama.

resort to 诉诸于,采取
例句:I had to resort to violence to get my money.

5. "And so as I said yesterday in the speech, Palestinians are going to have to explain how they can credibly engage in serious peace negotiations in the absence of observing the Quartet principles that have been put forward previously."

engage in 参加; 从事; 忙于
例句:I have no time to engage in the debate.
in the absence of缺乏; 当…不在时
例句:The trial take place in the absence of the defendant.
put forward提出
例句:He put forward a plan for the committee to consider.

6. Hamas, which controls Gaza and is linked to the Palestinian Authority in a unity accord, has called the president's proposals a "total failure," saying the group will not recognize Israel's occupation under any circumstances."

under any circumstances在任何情况下
例句:A gentleman is not supposed to hurt a woman under any circumstances.

7. He has to decide if he negotiates or keeps his pact with Hamas or makes peace with Israel.

make peace with同…讲和
例句:When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.
新统治者上台执政后, 他与一切宿敌都和解了。

8. President Obama said he and Netanyahu also discussed changes sweeping the Middle East, and agreed there is a moment of opportunity that can be seized as a consequence of the Arab Spring, but acknowledged there are significant perils as well.

as a consequence of由于..., 因为...
例句:As a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently.