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1. President Barack Obama is appealing to the warring sides in Sudan to cease fighting that threatens the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005 to end the country's 21-year civil war.

appeal to向…呼吁; 向…请求;恳求
例句:The United Nations appealed to the people of the developed countries for aiding those of the backward countries.

2. The president used a recorded statement late Tuesday to speak directly to leaders in north and south Sudan about recent fighting.

speak to对…讲
例句:He has spoken it to me.

3. President Obama took the unusual step of recording an audio message directed to the people of Sudan and its leaders, immediately after his return from a visit to the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.

take step采取措施
例句:They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.

4. Northern Sudanese troops have battled militia forces in Southern Kordofan, last week seizing control of the Abyei region, on the north-south border.

seize control of夺取对.....的控制权
例句:The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny. 
船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决。 

5. The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan must live up to their responsibilities.

live up to实行; 履行
例句:They have truly lived up to their pledge.

6. The south voted for independence in a referendum earlier this year under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

vote for投票赞成
例句:Twelve men voted for the motion and three against it.
12人投票赞成这个动议, 3人反对。

7. Directing his remarks to Sudanese leaders, he warned of increasing isolation for those who do not fulfill obligations under the peace agreement.

warn of发出关于…的警告
例句:The weather station warned of severe snowfalls ahead.

8. However, those who flout their international obligations will face more pressure and isolation and they will be held accountable for their actions.

hold accountable for对…负责任
例句:The group leader will is hold accountable for the action of the group.

9. Referring to the scheduled formal independence of South Sudan in three weeks, creating the world's newest nation, Mr. Obama said too much progress has been made to allow a collapse.

refer to提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到
例句:He never referred to his sisters in his letters.
make progress前进,进步
例句:study hard and make progress every day.