-Iworked, I had to do one scene, ah, with a wolf, and before I did thescene, I jumped into the scene; they said it's mandatory that you getto, you know, spend a little time with the wolf trainer.
-Ah,is that true or is that just silliness.
-No,they told me that I had to do this, so I said all right, I thoughtit'd be a quick hello and I'll see him on the set, ah, literally, ah,forty minutes in, in, in a room, just me and him, ah, talking aboutwolves, which I, I, I know, I don't, I don’t know how much youknow about wolves.

-No,I don't, I don't have forty minutes to do that for sure.
-Iran out of a conversation in three seconds, I said, you know, I,literally, the only things I know about wolves are-A: They can blowyour house down
-AndI don’t know, ah.
-Lotof people forget that.
-Yeah,that one, and then, ah, and B: They are extremely hungry according tothe Duran Duran song.(Hungry Like the Wolf)
-Youknow, that would be it.
-Thatwas it.
-So,he is just, he is just pumping me with this information on wolves,and I started going what I, what I am getting into the scene. So Igot nervous and then he said, “No no no, don’t worry”, ah, he'svery friendly, and he went like this, and I noticed he's missing twofingers, he's got, he was, he was, definitely one gone and the pinkywas like a nub or something there at the end.
-Butit may not have been the animal. It could've been something else.
-That'aright. So I didn't lose it completely yet. I went on with the scene,and there was the scene where I had been with this wolf, just me andthe wolf, and the crew and everybody is about thirty feet out there,and, and I'm rubbing the wolf, ah, just lightly, and the scenestarts, and, and, and the wolf just turns back and looks at me, so Islow down, I'm not rubbing like, I'm giving like a heavy shampoo, I'mjust going very light, you know.
-Nodeep tissue.
-And,so I slow down, and he just goes like this, he just goes, no noise,he just shows me a little of the teeth, so I back off, the wolftrainer comes running in and gets mad at me, he says, “Your nervousenergy is upsetting the wolf.” Ah, I'm sorry, wolf guy. Yeah, yeah.
-Bythe way.
-It'salways your fault, you noticed that?
-That'sright, by the way, if the goal here is to lower my nervous energy,don't tell me it's upsetting the wolf.
-Right,yeah, that's not good, no.
Lyrics of Hungry Like the Wolf:
Darkin the city, night is a wire
Steamin the subway, earth is a fire
Do-dodo do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
Womanyou want me, give me a sign
Andcatch my breathing even closer behind
Do-dodo do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
Intouch with the ground
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Smelllike I sound, I'm lost in a crowd
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Straddlethe line, in discord and rhyme
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Mouthis alive with juices like wine
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Stalkedin the forest, too close to hide
I'llbe upon you by the moonlight side
Do-dodo do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
Highblood drumming on your skin it's so tight
Youfeel my heat, I'm just a moment behind
Do-dodo do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
Intouch with the ground
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Scentand a sound, I'm lost and I'm found
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Struton a line, it's discord and rhyme
Ihowl and I whine I'm after you
Mouthis alive all running inside
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
(Hungrylike the wolf
Hungrylike the wolf
Hungrylike the wolf)
Burningthe ground I break from the crowd
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Ismell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Struton a line, it's discord and rhyme
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Mouthis alive with juices like wine
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Burningthe ground I break from the crowd
I'mon the hunt I'm after you
Scentand a sound, I'm lost and I'm found
AndI'm hungry like the wolf
Struton a line, it's discord and rhyme
Ihowl and I whine I'm after you
Mouthis alive all running inside
AndI'm hungry like the wolf...
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