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1. We call interactive communications tools such as Twitter and Facebook social media.

such as像, 例如
例句:We dislike people such as him.

2. They say such communication is largely self-centered, and that folks get wrapped up in texting or spilling their innermost secrets online, without ever relating to others’ concerns.

wrap up注意力完全集中于…
例句:They're completely wrapped up in their work.
relate to涉及, 关系到…
例句:His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion.

3. And the survey, by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, told us something most of us already knew - that Facebook, in particular, has put users in touch with old high-school friends and revived other long-dormant relationships.

in particular尤其, 特别
例句:She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.
她喜欢水果, 尤其是西红柿。
in touch with同…有联系
例句:I had no difficulty in getting in touch with him.

4. Much of the speculation about the impact of social-networking sites has centered on the possibility that they are hurting users’ relationships and pushing them away from participating in the world, notes Keith Hampton.

center on重点在于…; 主要与…有关
例句:The action of the play is centered on the struggle between the two women.
push away推开
例句:She ran to him for a kiss, but he pushed her away unkindly.
她跑去吻他, 但他不客气地把她推开。
participate in参加
例句:The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.

5. “We’ve found the exact opposite, that people who use sites like Facebook actually have more close relationships and are more likely to be involved in civic and political activities.

be likely to 可能; 倾向于; 很可能
例句:He is not likely to be elected.
be involved in 参与; 卷入,陷入
例句:She was involved in working out a puzzle.