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1. Breast milk provides all the nutrients a baby needs for the first year of life, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and many other experts worldwide.

according to据...所载;据...所说
例句:According to her, grandfather called at noon.

2. He had a hard time latching, which is a very common problem among new breastfeeding mothers. It took a while for my colostrums to come in, the first milk you produce.”

come in进来, 进入; 来到, 到达
例句:The door opened and the teacher came in.
门开了, 老师走了进来。

3. I had an amazing lactation consultant that worked for the hospital and she spent hours helping me figure out how to get him to latch on and nurse.

work for受雇于
例句:How long have you been working for this firm?
figure out弄明白; 解决
例句:I can't figure out what he was hinting at.
latch on抓住,占有,理解
例句:It was a difficult concept to grasp, but Sam latched on very quickly.

4. She says there was no such help in the hospital where she gave birth to her first child, four years ago.

give birth to生; 引起, 产生
例句:She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.

5. I don’t have to sterilize bottles and worry about the right temperature.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

6. I’m also able to nurse at night and not really wake up, my baby just can sleep with me.

wake up醒来; 唤醒, 弄醒
例句:Please wake me up at six.

7. We have a Facebook page, a forum and a Twitter link so people can interact with each other and get the support they might not be getting from the people they know in real life.

interact with与…相互配合
例句:He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.

8. So we’re having to turn to community resources to help educate the family, the mother and the father, on how to continue breastfeeding.

turn to 求助于
例句:He was turned to for advice by all sorts of people.

9. When she was born, we started off well, but then it wasn't very long before every feeding she was unhappy.

start off出发;开始
例句:At night I started off upon my journey.
当晚, 我又踏上了征程。

10. All of the frustration and the tiredness of being a new mom just kind of culminated and I ended up stopping at 10 days.

end up (以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:He finally ended up his speech.