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1. Tensions are running high at Sidi Blal port where about 1,000 workers from sub-Saharan Africa have taken refuge.

take refuge避难,(以掩饰等手段)逃脱困境
例句:A thunderstorm forced him to take refuge at a hut.

2. Many of these prisoners said they had been offered Libyan citizenship or money to fight for Gadhafi.

fight for为…而战斗〔竞争〕
例句:They fought for their country.

3. But many Libyans see them as mercenaries who participated in the killing of innocent civilians and as a result, black foreigners are now viewed with suspicion.

participate in分担; 参加
例句:How many people participated in the opening ceremony?

4. In addition, some Libyans resent Gadhafi's policy of embracing sub-Saharan countries.

in addition另外
例句:They eat a great deal of fruit in addition.

5. Kris Wagemans works for the Doctors Without Borders relief group that is providing water, food and medical care at this camp.

work for受雇于
例句:How long have you been working for this firm?

6. I think they are very worried about security at one part [on the one hand]; second part, living conditions.

be worried about为…忧虑,烦恼的
例句:This is nothing to be worried about.

7. If you go around the camp you see how they live.

go around走访
例句:I went around to see him yesterday evening.

8. Nigerian ambassador met with hostility

meet with遭受, 受到
例句:Again and again the test met with no success.

9. He said many workers borrowed money to travel here and if they returned home empty-handed they would be at risk.

at risk有危险
例句:The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
这疾病在蔓延, 五岁以下的小孩都有危险。

10. But for now, there is nothing to do but wait and hope for better times, or passage to a new life, again.

hope for希望, 希望得到
例句:I hope for the weather to improve soon.