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欧元区重燃希望 全球股市上涨



1. The country's finance minister told journalists that Greece expects to receive bailout disbursements on time, and there will not be a suspension of payments to other eurozone countries that also are plagued by high levels of debt.

on time按时, 准时
例句:The alarm clock awoke me on time.

2. Financial markets reacted to positive news about Greece with big rallies across the board. 

react to对…作出反应〔评价, 应答〕
例句:How did he react to your suggestion?

3. "The disbursement will take place and it will take place on time," said Venizelos.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The threatening strike did not take place after all.

4. The Greek government still must carry out highly unpopular austerity measures before eurozone countries approve another installment on Greece's first bailout package.

carry out完成, 执行; 贯彻
例句:If you make a promise, it should be carried out.
你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。

5. Without the $10 billion disbursement, Greece says it will run out of money by mid-October. 

run out用完, 耗尽
例句:Our food soon ran out.

6. "I can guarantee that Greece will live up to all its commitments," said Papandreou.

live up to实行; 履行
例句:They have truly lived up to their pledge.

7. Despite continuing unrest in Greece, European leaders expressed confidence that painful reforms will lead to a more stable Greek economy.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

8. The idea that growth can only be achieved through more debt is wrong - I'm deeply convinced of that.

convince of使(某人)认识到, 相信…
例句:The buyer was convinced of the salesman's integrity.