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1. The article that David Borgenicht was reading told people how they might safely land a small plane if the pilot passes out.

pass out昏厥, 失去知觉; 喝得烂醉
例句:She passed out when she heard the tragic news.
当她听到这悲惨的消息时, 一下子晕倒了。

2. It got him thinking about other hair-raising situations in movies and TV shows.

think about考虑…; 捉摸…
例句:Elinor is thinking about emigrating to the United States.

3. Of course it’s one thing for an action hero to leap from a moving motorcycle into a car or fend off a killer shark.

fend off挡开
例句:He neatly fended off a jab at his chest.

4. But how would ordinary, out-of-shape readers do it? How would they wrestle free from an alligator, for example, or survive if their parachutes do not open, or escape from a mountain lion?

escape from逃避, 逃出
例句:The soldiers escaped from the enemy's prison.

5. Not to worry, say the authors: don’t antagonize the bull; do not move; look for an escape route; if one is not available, remove an article of clothing, such as your shirt; throw the clothing away from you and run for your life in another direction.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.
throw away扔掉
例句:Don't throw your tickets away!

6. Common sense, perhaps, but it could come in handy.

common sense常识
例句:He lacks common sense.
come in handy迟早有用
例句:A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on holiday.
多带几张旅行支票, 度假时会有用的。