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1. Family breadwinners must provide them all for their spouses, kids and other dependents to guarantee a happy and peaceful holiday.

provide for为…提供生活费
例句:He worked hard to provide for his old age.

2. Across the country this year, the traditional hustle and bustle that usually heralds the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ started off slowly.

hustle and bustle忙忙碌碌; 熙熙攘攘
例句:They love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.
start off出发;开始
例句:When shall we start off?

3. Until a few days ago, traders grumbled about poor sales, fearing they may end up with piles of unsold stocks of the seasonal Christmas goods.

end up (以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:The hooligan ended up dead in a car accident.

4. Civil servants complained the government had failed to pay their salaries on time.

on time按时, 准时
例句:She made a feeble effort to get to school on time.
她努力想按时赶到学校, 但未成功。

5. Others said they were waiting for the last minute rush and a possible drop in prices.

wait for等待, 等候
例句:He is waiting for something good to turn up.

6. Throughout the streets of Douala and other major urban settlements, the soaring demand for Chinese dresses, toys, medicines, motorbikes and electronic appliances among others has led to cutthroat competition for street-side commercial space between Chinese nationals and their Cameroonian hosts.

demand for要求…
例句:The workers demand for better conditions of work.
lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

7. "China is bailing out the whole," said Gentry.

bail out帮助(某人)脱离困境
例句:My friends bailed me out with economic aid.

8. The very partners we started with, who are internationally renowned companies from very highly industrialized countries are heading to China to get financing, or they’re bought out by the Chinese."

buy out买下…的全部股份
例句:Large companies can easily buy out the shareholders of small companies.

9. However, a fraction of Cameroonian consumers said they would not, for anything in the world, spend a dime on Chinese goods for Christmas.

spend on把…花在…
例句:He doesn't spend much time on his homework.

10. For those who cannot afford to buy gifts, or don't believe in purchased ones, she offers songs,and greetings, of the season instead.

afford to (买)得起(某物)
例句:We can't afford to pay such a price.
believe in信任; 相信
例句:We believe in him, who is always true to his word.
我们信任他, 他总是说话算话的。