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1. The African continent contains about 30 percent of the world’s global rainforests, second only to the Amazon. Scientists and conservationists met at Oxford University to discuss changes the forests are expected to undergo in the 21st Century.

be expected to预计
例句:House prices are expected to perk up.

2. There’s much less known about both climate and forest and people and there interaction in Africa compared to many other regions of the world

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

3. He said the conference brought together experts in climate change, ecology, social sciences, economics, anthropology and archeology to discuss Africa’s rainforests.

bring together使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面
例句:The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks.

4. They hold a large amount of carbon. They seem to be absorbing carbon from the atmosphere, which is slightly slowing down the rate of climate change.

slow down (使)慢下来
例句:You have to slow down your car at the crossing.
在十字路口, 你得放慢速度。

5. But in the largest area, the Democratic Republic, it’s been political instability and poor infrastructure linked to that instability that has meant that this large forest reserve has not currently really faced very heavy pressure, at least compared to forests of Asia or the Amazon

link to与…连接; 联系
例句:Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.

6. At the same time, around two and a half thousand years ago, Iron Age humans settled in much of the forest, cleared it with axes, with iron axes.

settle in (使)开始在…居住
例句:The boys were settled in their dormitory.

7. The combination of natural climate drying and the wide scale felling of trees resulted in fewer species of trees compared to other tropical forests.

result in导致,结果是
例句:The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.

8. Modern day deforestation is often done to make room for agriculture.

make room for给…让出空地方
例句:The factory is enlarged to make room for more machinery.

9. That means a much greater demand for food.

demand for要求…
例句:The workers demand for better conditions of work.