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1. As India marks an important milestone in its fight against polio, international health experts say that it is too soon to declare victory.

fight against与…作斗争〔争吵〕; 反对…
例句:We will have to fight against difficulties.

2. Health officials see the polio-free anniversary as a turning point in the global polio eradication program.

turning point转折点
例句:His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life.

3. In the coming weeks, India will be removed from the WHO's list of countries where polio is endemic, unless a new or previously unreported case emerges.

remove from从…中移开〔拿走, 除掉〕
例句:She removed mud from her shoes.

4. “In India they worked with imams to actually put out the messages - that [produced] greater local acceptance and cultural acceptance of these health interventions," said Dr. Mistry.

put out出版; 发行; 发布
例句:The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.

5. Similarly, in other parts of the world, we can find community leaders that maybe in the form of traditional healers or even faith-based leaders in communities, that will be able to put out the messages that give greater cultural acceptance to such interventions.

in the form of用…的形式
例句:Water vapor is water in the form of a gas.