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1. More than 3 years into the Chinese Navy's escort mission in the Gulf of Aden, it is now inviting international colleagues to share experiences and set up a better platform to work side by side.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.
side by side相互支持
例句:We must stand side by side in this trouble and help each other.
在这困难时刻我们必须团结一致, 互相帮助。

2. Those international escort and peacekeeping missions we have been committed to made English skills daily necessity.

commit to对…作出承诺, 承担义务, 担负责任; 使(自己)致力于…
例句:He has committed himself to the cause of education.

3. During the many missions in strange waters, Chinese Naval officers boarded foreign vessels whilst also inviting their counterparts, or 'peers' as the crews refer to them, to board the Chinese ships.

refer to提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到
例句:Don't refer to the matter again.

4. I did a nine-month counter-piracy patrol when I was in command of a British warship in the Gulf of Aden.

in command of指挥
例句:The ship was placed in command of Captain Smith.

5. The Chinese Defense Ministry has confirmed that China is stepping up coordination and cooperation with India and Japan on international naval escort activities.

step up加紧,加快;增加
例句:He's stepping up writing his new novel.

6. The PLA Navy has carried out ocean missions for over three years.

carry out执行; 贯彻
例句:He carried out the plan in very detail.