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1. While book sales overall have dropped by five per cent, sales of these novels - many of which feature romance with a supernatural twist - have gone up more than 80 per cent.

go up上升, 上涨, 提高, 增加, 增高
例句:The goods have gone up in price.

2. In the Houston suburb of Tomball, these women get together frequently to socialize and chat about the books they are reading.

get together集合,聚集
例句:He got them together to talk matters over.

3. Courtney Allison Moulton's books are full of sword fights and other action that she says resonates with a lot of male readers.

full of充满
例句:Mary's heart was full of distress.

4. "I had a buddy who spent a couple of years in Afghanistan and he brought my book over there with him and he shared with the other - you know, these really tough Army guys reading my book and they are excited about the action," she said.

share with与…分享〔合用〕
例句:I'll share my apple with you if you'll give me half of your cake.
你若把你的蛋糕给我一半, 我就与你分享我的苹果。

5. "It takes you out of the normality that is your life, your routine life, and who doesn't want to feel special ?" she asks.

take out把…带出去
例句:Please take the children out, their noise is making my head ache.
请把孩子们领出去, 他们吵得我头痛。

6. But fans like 13-year-old Jennifer Vu say they look for other elements as well.

look for寻找
例句:She is looking for her lost child.

7. "When Twilight came out we thought everybody had read Twilight and we thought 'who in heck are we going to sell it to?' Well, it turned out there were a lot of people who had not read Twilight yet," she said.

come out出版; 发表
例句:When will his new novel come out?
turn out结果是, 原来是
例句:It turned out that he was never there.