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The figures are in and domestic road-trip feature, "The Continent," has driven off with over 300 million yuan, about 48 million

U.S. dollars, to become China's four-day box-office champion, according to Beijing-based data source, Entgroup.

According to Variety, "The Continent" held up well in comparison to "Lucy," the Scarlett Johansson action flick that has topped North American box offices with a 44-million-U.S.-dollar opening-weekend take.

However, "The Continent" had a full four-day run, while "Lucy" had three days and a midnight screening last Thursday.

Domestic horror movie, "The House That Never Dies," came in second, clutching 172 million yuan.


"Tiny Times 3" drop to third place at the box office just a week after dethroning "Transformers: Age of Extinction" to top China's theatre ticket sales. But the third "Tiny Times" still earned an impressive 155 million yuan.

"Age of Extinction" came in fourth, bringing in 79 million yuan and putting the movie on track to being the first to pass the two-billion-yuan mark in China.

Rounding up the top-five list is domestic cartoon "The Magical Brush," which earned about 30 million yuan.