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巴西总统选举 谁将当选?


Brazilian presidential hopeful Marina Silva appears poised to enter into the run-off in the country's closely-contested presidenial election.

Silva is battling pro-business candidate Aecio Neves for a shot at a run-off against incumbent Dilma Rouseff.

"We are confident it was worth it to have run a campaign that was respectful of the Brazilian people and that the Brazilian people will honour this respect. If you want to govern a country like Brazil that has 200 million inhabitants, rich natural resources, a society with creative and hardworking people who have to live off their hard work, and not from favours from the government who also see what the state offers as a right, and not a favour. These are the people that will lead us to a second-round."

Dilma Rousseff is leading in polls, but is not projected to take more than 50 percent, meaning a run-off is likely for later this month.

巴西总统选举 谁将当选?

Both Silva and Neves are vowing to return to market-friendly economic policies, which critics say Rousseff has abandoned.

Voters in Brazil are also electing governors, members of Congress and state legislators.