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Winning the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, May-Britt Moser, along with her husband Edvard Moser, cried as she accepted the award.

"I was crying and I was in shock, I am still in shock, this was so great."

May-Britt Moser is the 4th person to win the Nobel Prize since 1901.

"I think (the secret )is that we have the same vision, we love to understand, we do that by talking to each other and talking to others and try to address the questions we are interested in the best way that we can think of, and to be able to discuss this when you get an idea right on the spot, in stead of having a meeting of one to two or three weeks. That makes a huge difference."


"We can have breakfast meetings almost everyday, when you want to select your colleagues, you want your colleagues to respect you and support you."

She says her honor is due to the support of many people in Norway.

" This is an honor for all the people to have supported the excellence of science in Norway, I think it wouldn't have been possible if that wouldn't have been the case. "

Professor Juleen Zierath, head of the Nobel Committee, says the couple deserve the prize.

"The 2014 Nobel laureates have made a fundamental discovery of nerve physiology, and they have discovered cells that constitute position in the system in the brain. And it is based on two big discoveries, one discovery is the place cells by John O'Keefe. This place cells, they give us an awareness of our place in the room, the second discovery is that by Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser who discovered the grid cells, these cells allow us to navigate our environment, they gave us a sense of navigational environment."

Although research into Pakinsonsons or Alzaimers is not done yet, the Nobel Commitee has determined the research is worth awarding.

On Tuesday the Nobel Prize in Physics will be announced, followed by Chemistry, Literature, Peace and Economics. The prize awarding ceremony will be held on December 10.

For CRI, this is Chen Xuefei reporting from Stockholm.