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The European Union has laid-out a series of new measures to deal with the massive influx of migrants from north Africa trying to enter European territory through a dangerous voyage through the Mediterranean.

The 10-point package calls for a strengthening of patrols.

It also includes a military mandate to destory people-smuggling boats once they are caught.

The package also includes more money to help deal with human trafficking.

EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the problem is not just Italy's alone to deal with.


"Today we have a new European level of awareness that this is a European issue, not of single member states, and that we need to act, to act fast and to act united. This is not just a call from some, but a response from all."

An emergency summit of EU leaders has also been scheduled for Thursday to address the issue.

The meetings this week have been requested by the Italian government.

The Italian island of Lampedusa has been the prime target for thousands of migrants looking to make their way into European territory.

It's located just a few hundred nautical miles off the northern coast of Libya.

However, some 15-hundred people are believed to have died already this year trying to make the crossing.

Only 28 out of some 700 migrants are believed to have survived after their boat capsized this weekend while on its way to Lampedusa.