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The first meeting between Xi Jinping and Eric Chu took place in the Great Hall of the People Monday morning.

Leaders of the two parties exchanged views on CPC-KMT exchanges and the development of relations across the Taiwan Straits.

Xi Jinping says cross-straits ties are now at crossroads.

"Currently, the cross-straits relations are at a new and important nexus. How to develop such relations is an important matter for political parties on both sides. It also affects the well-being of the people of both sides and the future of the nation as a whole. Anything we do needs serious considerations."

Xi Jinping calls for both sides across the Straits to build a community of shared destiny.


"The CPC and KMT should strengthen cooperation in working out a blueprint for the future development of relations between the two political parties. We should work together to build a community of shared destiny. I am willing to further exchange views with Chairman Chu on such joint endeavour."

Xi Jinping adds the mainland is willing to share the growing development opportunities with the business communities in Taiwan.

As for the lingering political differences and difficulties in relations between the two sides, Xi Jinping notes the CPC and KMT should continue to consult with each other on the basis of 1992 Consensus and reach agreement acceptable by both sides.

Eric Chu reaffirmed that the 1992 Consensus should remain the foundation for the exchanges between the CPC and KMT.

"We hope the 1992 Consensus will continue to be the basis for cooperation between the two sides in participating in Asia-Pacific regional affairs including peace, environment and economic cooperation."

The Kuomintang Chairman told Xi Jinping that the younger generation in Taiwan has great expectations on the development of cross-straits relations and the future of the island. They hope Taiwan would take an active part in regional affairs including joining the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, the "Belt and Road Initiatives", as well as any other regional economic organizations.

The meeting is part of Chu's first visit to the mainland since he took over as party leader of Kuomintang in January.

Chu has earlier met with Yu Zhengsheng, top political advisor and member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and attended the 10th Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum in Shanghai.