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The report says that the medical services system at the grassroots levels has been improved.

People living in urban and rural areas can enjoy 41 free basic health services.

However, current services can not meet the demand of people in need.

"The medical insurance does not cover drugs for the treatment of cancer. The insurance is far from enough for curing major diseases."

"Most people still don't trust community hospitals. I think the government should give priority to improving the medical service at community hospitals. We can also learn from other countries, like encouraging private doctors or family doctors."


The report suggests that public hospitals' income be separated from medical treatment and prescription medicine revenue streams.

Wu Ming, professor with the school of public health at Peking University, says weaning hospitals' reliance on medicine prices benefits both doctors and patients.

"The high medicine prices are unreasonable. A large amount of margin profit is taken by pharmaceutical salesmen and distribution companies. The intermediary links need to be changed. The prices of medicine should be brought down and payment for doctors' service be increased. This benefits both the patients and doctors."

The report points out the personnel salary distribution system should be further reformed to motivate the medical staff.

A new evaluation system based on medical care service efficiency, medical treatment quality and patients' satisfaction need to be established.

Dai Tao, director of the medical information research institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, says the role of market mechanisms needs to be further explored.

"More effective measure to motivate the medical staff should be in place. A salary distribution system which can fully recognize the value of doctors' service is in urgent need."

Health care reform measures were first launched in 2009, with a focus on improvements at the grassroots level and access to basic public health services.

Reform is also underway to boost overall capacity for 500 county level hospitals in 2015.