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A report released on Thursday shows improving perceptions of Chinese and Japanese of each other’s country.

星期四发布的一份报告显示, 中国人和日本人对两国的看法有所改善。

The report prepared by the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) and Japan’s Genron NPO shows Chinese respondents held a"very good"or"relatively good"view of Japan, an increase of 9.8% (21.7% to 31.5%) over the past year, while Japanese respondents with similar feelings rose by 3.5% (8% to 11.5%).

中国国际出版集团和日本言论NPO的报告显示, 在中国的调查对象当中,对日本持“非常好”或“相对良好”看法的人数, 在过去一年中, 增加了 9.8% (从21.7%增加至 31.5%), 而在日本的调查对象当中,持有类似看法的人数上升了3.5% (从8% 上升至 11.5%)。

The report Chinese respondents with a"negative"impression of Japan dropped by roughly 10% to 66.8% in 2017, while Japanese respondents who have the same impression towards China slid from 91.6% to 88.3%.

这份报告中,2017年,在中国调查对象当中,对日本持有“负面”看法的人数大约下降了10%, 降至 66.8%, 而对中国有同样看法的日本调查对象的人数从91.6% 降至88.3%。

The report was released on the sidelines of the 13th"Beijing-Tokyo Forum."


With regard to the prospects of bilateral relations, 28.7% of Chinese respondents and 13.1% of Japanese respondents believe that it would be"better"or "relatively better"than before, improving by 9.1% and 4.3%, respectively.

关于双边关系的前景问题, 28.7% 的中国调查对象和13.1% 的日本调查对象认为两国人民对彼此国家的看法会比以前“更好”或 “相对更好”, 持有这两种看法的人数分别增加9.1% 和4.3%。

"The survey’s findings coincide with the continuing amelioration of Sino-Japanese ties since early 2017," Wang Gangyi, deputy president of CIPG, said. He added that, aside from better communication at the official level, burgeoning person-to-person exchanges play a vital role in promoting bilateral relations, which was confirmed by the report -- 38.8% of Chinese respondents and 21.4% of Japanese respondents deemed person-to-person exchanges between the two countries"active."

中国国际出版集团副总裁王刚毅说:“这项调查的结果与2017年初以来中日关系的持续改善相一致 。”他补充说,中日两国除了在官方层面有了更好的沟通外, 迅速增长的民间交往在促进双边关系方面也发挥了重要作用, 这一点在报告中得到证实--38.8% 的中国调查对象和21.4% 的日本调查对象认为两国之间的民间交往很“活跃”。

The report shows that Chinese impressions of Japan were nearly double that of the Japanese side. Wang told the People’s Daily that the disparity could be due to concerted efforts on the Chinese side to smoothen bilateral relations, which was echoed by Yasushi Kudo from Genron NPO. Kudo added that the disparity highlighted the need for joint efforts.

报告显示, 中国人对日本的看法改善,持有这一观点的人数几乎是日本的两倍。王刚毅在《人民日报》讲到, 这一差距可能是由于中方的齐心协力,使双边关系更加平稳, 这一点得到了日本言论NPO Yasushi Kudo的回应。Kudo补充说, 这一差距凸显了双方共同努力的必要性。

According to the report, sensitive issues such as territory and history still loom large in the mutual perception of China and Japan, and remain as the"biggest obstacles"of bilateral ties. A total of 64.7% of Chinese respondents and 66.5% Japanese respondents consider the "Diaoyu islands issue" to be the "main impeding factor," while 67.4% of Chinese respondents and 46.4% of Japanese respondents cited"historical problems."

根据这份报告, 在中日两国相互的看法中,像领土和历史这样敏感的问题依然很突出, 依旧是中日两国双边关系发展的“最大障碍”。有64.7% 的中国调查对象和66.5% 的日本调查对象认为 “钓鱼岛问题”是双边关系发展的“主要障碍”, 而67.4% 的中国调查对象和46.4% 的日本调查对象提到了“历史问题”。