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大学英语自学教程 下册 un11


[11:35.51]Nevertheless it is the dog who can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion
[11:41.96]that no cat ever knew.
[11:45.20]So there's plenty to be said in favor of keeping pets.
[11:47.42]  于是有许多说法赞成养宠物.
[11:49.64]But with all that in mind,I still say let's stop keeping pets.
[11:55.81]Not that a family should kill its pets.
[11:59.67]Very few could bring themselves to do that.
[12:03.62]To be practical,I am suggesting that if we do not no whave a pet
[12:09.39]we should not a quire one;
[12:12.63]second,that if we now have a pet,we let it be our last one.
[12:18.59]I could never say that pets are bad.
[12:22.35]I am saying,let's give up this good thing--the ownership of a pet
[12:28.59]in favor of a more imperative good.
[12:32.43]The purchase,the health care,the feeding and housing and training of a pet
[12:35.51]  购买一只宠物,照顾它的健康,喂养它,给它提供住处,训练它
[12:38.60]and I chiefly mean the larger,longer-lived pets cost time and money.
[12:44.16]Depending on the animal's size and activity,it's special tastes and needs,
[12:50.53]and the standard of living we establish for it,
[12:54.79]the care of a pet can cost from a dollar a week to a dollar or more a day
[13:00.96]I would not for a moment deny it is worth that.
[13:05.11]But facts outside the walls of our home keep breaking in on our awareness.
[13:07.93]  但是我们房子外面的事实却不断地闯入我们的意识.
[13:10.75]Though we do not see the poverty-suicken people of India
[13:15.61]and Africa and South America,
[13:19.58]we can never quite forget that they are there.
[13:23.71]Now and then their faces are shown in the news,
[13:27.94]or in the begging ads of relief organizations.
[13:32.30]Probably we send a donation whenever we can.
[13:36.74]we do not,as a rule,feel a heavy personal responsibility
[13:42.80]for the afflicted and deprivedfor we are pretty thoroughly formed
[13:45.63]  我们通常并不感到对贫穷困苦的人们负有重大的个人责任,
[13:48.45]by the individualistic competitive society we live in.
[13:53.91]he first dime we ever made was ours to spend in any way we chose.
[13:59.97]No one thought of questioning that.
[14:03.44]That attitude,formed before we had learned to think,
[14:08.30]usually prevails through our life: "I made my money.
[14:13.58]I can spend it any way I like."
[14:17.34]But more and more we are reading that the people of the "Fhird World"
[14:20.07]  但我们越来越多地在阅读中了解到"第三世界"的人们
[14:22.80]feel bitter at us in the developed countries
[14:27.47](with the United States far more developed than any of the others)
[14:32.44]for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings