栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:拜登宣誓就任美国总统 就职演讲呼吁团结
America has a new president.
NPR News2021-01-25
JOHN ROBERTS: So help you God.
ROBERTS: Congratulations, Mr. President.
(APNPR News:特朗普告别演讲祝新政府成功 但未提及拜登名字
He took one last look back at the White House, one last ride in the Marine One chopper, looking over the vista of the National Mall, one last moment of pomp with a 21-gun salute an
NPR News2021-01-22NPR News:俄罗斯反对派领袖纳瓦尔尼执意回国 落地即被捕
Five months ago, Alexei Navalny, a prominent critic of Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, went to Germany. He was very sick. He'd been poisoned. Authorities in Russia warn
NPR News2021-01-21NPR News:乌干达总统争议声中赢得连任 35年执政再延长
We're going to head to the East African nation of Uganda now, which held a contentious presidential election earlier this week. The country's electoral commission announced
NPR News2021-01-20NPR News:拜登推出1.9万亿美元经济援助计划
President-elect Joe Biden says if the U.S. is going to come back from this pandemic, it has to spend big. Biden outlined his strategy last night. It's an ambitious plan with a
NPR News2021-01-19NPR News:众议院第二次弹劾特朗普 指控其煽动暴动
President Trump has been impeached for a second time. This time, the charge is inciting an insurrection. Yesterday started with hours of debate on the floor of the House of Represe
NPR News2021-01-18NPR News:印尼一架波音737客机坠毁 机上62人全部遇难
Shifting our focus overseas now. Divers in Indonesia say they've located the black box from a commercial jet that crashed over the weekend. Authorities there say all 62 people
NPR News2021-01-15NPR News:特朗普任期仅剩8天却面临再次弹劾
House Democrats are moving forward with a plan to impeach President Trump for a second time. The president has just nine days left in office, and Democrats say, this week, they pla
NPR News2021-01-14NPR News:担心煽动暴力 推特和脸谱网封禁特朗普账号
President Trump can no longer post messages to Twitter or Facebook. The social media giants have banned him, worried that he could stir up more violence around the country. Trump h
NPR News2021-01-13NPR News:波音将支付25亿美元 以和解737MAX的刑事犯罪指控
Boeing settled a charge of criminal conspiracy related to two 737 Max plane crashes. The company will pay $2.5 billion without pleading guilty.
NPR News2021-01-12
Here's NPR's David Schaper.NPR News:特朗普支持者暴力占领国会山
We are continuing to follow the story of today's violent occupation of the U.S. Capitol building by pro-Trump insurrectionists. In Washington, D.C., a curfew has now taken effe
NPR News2021-01-11NPR News:担心阿桑奇自杀 英国法院拒绝美方引渡要求
This morning, we have news out of London involving the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. The U.S. government has been trying to get the U.K. to extradite him to face espionage
NPR News2021-01-08NPR News:苏莱曼尼遇袭一周年 伊朗将浓缩铀丰度提至20%
It was a year ago that a U.S. drone strike killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and nine others. He was the country's most powerful military figure. Iran has vowed to avenge
NPR News2021-01-07NPR News:特朗普最新电话录音曝光 施压佐治亚州官员"找出11780张选票"
In an extraordinary phone call President Trump pressured Georgia's top election official to overturn the state's presidential results. Audio of yesterday's hour-long ca
NPR News2021-01-06NPR News:也门机场大爆炸致数十人伤亡 胡塞武装被疑是幕后黑手
It was a day that was supposed to signify a step towards unity for at least a part of Yemen. But as members of a new government that's part of an alliance backed mainly by Gulf
NPR News2021-01-05NPR News:阿根廷成为拉美地区首个堕胎合法化国家
In Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, there's a giant domed Congress building that looks a little similar to the one in Washington. That building faces a plaza, and on tha
NPR News2021-01-05NPR News:美国纳什维尔爆炸案嫌疑人身份锁定
Authorities have identified the man they say detonated a recreational vehicle in downtown Nashville on Christmas Day, injuring at least three people, devastating a historic street
NPR News2021-01-04NPR News:特朗普签署9000亿新冠肺炎纾困法案
President Trump has just signed a $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill into law after threatening to derail it. Official confirmation came from a White House tweet in the last half-ho
NPR News2021-01-04NPR News:以色列议会解散 将迎来两年内第四次选举
It looks like a new political deadlock in Israel will lead to the country's fourth election in just two years. And Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will once again be at the c
NPR News2020-12-30NPR News:英国与欧盟达成脱欧后自由贸易协议
The U.K. government has agreed to a post-Brexit free trade deal with the European Union with just a week to go before a New Year's Eve deadline. We are expecting very shortly t
NPR News2020-12-30NPR News:特朗普总统再赦免26人 包括女婿库什纳父亲
President Trump pardoned some more people last night — among them, his friends, his loyalists and his daughter's in-law. NPR White House reporter Ayesha Rascoe is following th
NPR News2020-12-28NPR News:英国发现新冠病毒变种 传染性增强70%
Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson, called an emergency meeting this morning. A variant of the coronavirus is spreading in the U.K., and scientists say it could be much mo
NPR News2020-12-25NPR News:历时9个月 美国会终于达成9000亿美元新冠疫情救济法案
After months of failed talks, Congress and the White House have finally reached a deal to provide a fresh round of COVID relief totaling around $900 billion. Congress is now workin
NPR News2020-12-24NPR News:韩国立法禁止散发反朝鲜传单 被批限制言论自由
We're going to turn our attention now to South Korea. The government there recently passed a law making it illegal to send propaganda materials across the border into North Kor
NPR News2020-12-23NPR News:美国遭遇大规模网络攻击 俄罗斯被疑是幕后黑手
In Washington, President Trump keeps pressing baseless claims that his opponents broke into election systems and manipulated votes. However, he has yet to comment on what appears t
NPR News2020-12-22
栏目广告位二 |