栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:暴风雪侵袭美国得州 有居民收到天价电费账单
Think for a moment about that famous survey suggesting that many people would struggle to pay an emergency expense of even a few hundred dollars. Now think about Texas, where some
NPR News2021-02-25NPR News:美国愿重返伊核协议 伊朗要求先解除制裁
Back to the table, maybe. President Biden has signaled that America is willing to join Iran and other world powers in talks that would be aimed at returning to the 2015 nuclear agr
NPR News2021-02-25NPR News:拜登在慕尼黑安全会议发表讲话 高呼"美国回来了"
America is back. Those were the words of President Joe Biden today, speaking by video link at the Munich Security Conference. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President E
NPR News2021-02-23NPR News:北约将扩大在伊拉克驻军 从500人激增至4000人
Rockets landed this week on a base used by American forces in Iraq. The rocket strikes killed a contractor and injured other people, including an American service member. U.S. forc
NPR News2021-02-22NPR News:特朗普二次弹劾被判无罪
Last night, President Joe Biden released a statement reacting to the impeachment vote in the Senate, saying, quote, "this sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy
NPR News2021-02-22NPR News:印度北部冰川断裂致30余人死亡
A massive search-and-rescue operation is underway in Northern India. On Sunday, a landslide barreled down out of the Himalayan mountains. At least two dozen people have been killed
NPR News2021-02-22NPR News:不满总统任命校长 土耳其大学爆发抗议
Turkey is seeing some of its biggest student protests in years. The unrest started when the Turkish government imposed its choice for who should run one of the country's premier u
NPR News2021-02-22NPR News:拜登发表首次外交政策讲话
President Biden and Vice President Harris made a joint trip to the State Department today, vowing that the U.S. will lead through diplomacy.
NPR News2021-02-22
PRENPR News:贝索斯将卸任亚马逊首席执行官 云服务负责人安迪·雅西将接任
Amazon's Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO of the company he founded almost 30 years ago. He will transition to executive chairman. He will focus on new products and early ini
NPR News2021-02-22NPR News:缅甸发生政变 昂山素季等领导人被军方扣押
Here's a bit of very recent history in the United States. Just six weeks ago, retired General Michael Flynn, an ally of President Trump, called for a military takeover in the U
NPR News2021-02-19NPR News:多家疫苗生产商延迟交货 欧盟陷疫苗危机
Back in August, the drug company AstraZeneca signed a deal with the European Union. It promised to provide 300 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine. That didn't happen. It
NPR News2021-02-18NPR News:美股GameStop暴涨做空损失巨大引关注
Now to events on Wall Street this week, where small stock traders made a fortune outwitting big institutional investors. They did it buying stocks in GameStop. Its price hovered ar
NPR News2021-02-18NPR News:荷兰多地爆发大规模反封锁抗议
A new curfew in the Netherlands was supposed to slow the spread of COVID-19, but it ended up setting off the worst civil unrest in four decades there. In a small southern city, pro
NPR News2021-02-10NPR News:拜登与普京首次通话 同意延长军控条约
In a much-anticipated phone call, President Biden has spoken with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. On that call, they agreed to extend a key arms control agreement, but it
NPR News2021-02-09NPR News:印度国庆阅兵当天 农民开拖拉机冲入首都与警方冲突
To India now, where two months of peaceful protests turned violent. Farmers are locked in a standoff with the Indian government over agriculture reforms, and today it came to blows
NPR News2021-02-08NPR News:意大利总理孔特正式辞职
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resigned today, pushing the country into political uncertainty. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports the power vacuum comes as Italy grapples wit
NPR News2021-02-08NPR News:墨西哥总统感染新冠 曾称护身符能抵御病毒
After a year of consistently downplaying the pandemic, Mexico's president contracted the virus, making him the latest world leader to fall ill from COVID-19. His government say
NPR News2021-02-05NPR News:美众议院向参议院提交弹劾总统条款 审判2月9日开始
For the second time in a little more than a year, a procession of House impeachment managers walked across the Capitol to launch an impeachment trial in the Senate.
NPR News2021-02-04
(SOUNDBITE OFNPR News:俄罗斯多地爆发大规模抗议 要求释放反对派领袖纳瓦尔尼
Tens of thousands of protesters have poured into the streets across Russia today to call for the release of government critic Alexei Navalny. Mr. Navalny was arrested last weekend
NPR News2021-02-04NPR News:禁止核武器条约生效 但核武国家均未签署
A new global treaty banning nuclear weapons goes into effect tomorrow. It aims to make nuclear war obsolete. But as NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reports, some question whether it'l
NPR News2021-02-02NPR News:伊拉克首都发生自杀式连环爆炸袭击 ISIS宣称负责
To Iraq now — that is where more than 30 people are dead and dozens wounded after a double suicide bombing today in Baghdad. The bomber struck a crowded market on a busy morning.
NPR News2021-02-02NPR News:民调显示80%日本民众希望东京奥运取消或推迟
In Japan, public opinion is turning against holding the Tokyo Olympics. Now, the games were postponed last summer. Now, with 155 days to go, more than half of Japan's populatio
NPR News2021-01-29NPR News:拜登签署15项行政令 推翻特朗普决定
In his inaugural address, President Biden called for an end to, quote, "this uncivil war."
NPR News2021-01-28
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We must set aside politics and fNPR News:中美洲移民规模不断扩大 北上赴美求生路
Central America has suffered from the pandemic and from two big hurricanes, so it's not too surprising that thousands of migrants are seeking better conditions in the north. A
NPR News2021-01-27NPR News:基民盟换帅 执政15年的默克尔即将卸任
Angela Merkel has been one of Germany's most popular leaders. She's stepping down at the end of this year. Over the weekend, her party chose a new leader and possible succe
NPR News2021-01-26
栏目广告位二 |