栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:全球新冠肺炎死亡病例逾100万
COVID-19 has now killed more than a million people globally. The coronavirus has spread to nearly every corner of the world and is quickly becoming one of the world's deadliest
NPR News2020-10-09NPR News:韩国称朝鲜领导人金正恩就韩方公民遭枪击身亡致歉
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he is sorry for the shooting death of a South Korean man near the two countries' maritime border this week. Kim's remark seems to have
NPR News2020-10-09NPR News:大规模抗议持续六周后 白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科"秘密"宣誓就职
Let's go overseas now to Europe — to Belarus, where protests continue a month and a half after a presidential election, an election the U.S. and its European allies say was ne
NPR News2020-10-08NPR News:黑人女性遭误杀案宣判后 美两名警察在抗议活动中遭枪击
Two Louisville police officers were shot last night. Police say they do have a suspect in custody and that the officers' injuries are not life-threatening. This happened during
NPR News2020-10-08NPR News:英国实施防疫新举措 或将持续半年
Today, Boris Johnson, the prime minister of the U.K., announced new pandemic restrictions to help get the coronavirus under control.
NPR News2020-09-29
PRIME MINISNPR News:美国累计新冠死亡病例超过20万例
More than 200,000 people have now died from the coronavirus in the United States. That number comes from researchers at Johns Hopkins University who have been tracking the pandemic
NPR News2020-09-27NPR News:俄反对派领袖中毒事件发酵 北溪2号项目上演多方角力
Two big stories in Germany which might not seem related suddenly are — a gas pipeline from Russia called Nord Stream 2 and the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navaln
NPR News2020-09-24NPR News:波音737MAX空难调查报告发布
A sweeping congressional inquiry has found damning evidence of failures at both Boeing and at the Federal Aviation Administration in the development and certification of the 737 Ma
NPR News2020-09-23NPR News:菅义伟当选日本新任首相
Now let's turn to Japan where there's been a change in leadership. The country's parliament voted in its first new prime minister in eight years. This follows the sudde
NPR News2020-09-22NPR News:美国将从伊拉克撤军超过2000人
U.S. military officials today announced a further reduction in American troops in Iraq. Currently, the U.S. has about 5,200 troops there. That number is now expected to drop to 3,0
NPR News2020-09-21NPR News:希腊难民营发生大火 致上万人流离失所
A refugee camp caught fire in Greece overnight. The flames, we are told, left more than 12,000 migrants in need of emergency shelter. And it was a camp on lockdown at the time beca
NPR News2020-09-17NPR News:被捕还是逃往乌克兰? 白俄罗斯反对派领袖下落成谜
Belarusian authorities say they have arrested an opposition leader on the country's border with Ukraine. But Maria Kolesnikova's supporters say the government was trying to
NPR News2020-09-15NPR News:普鲁德之死致纽约州罗切斯特市警察局领导层集体辞职
The top leadership of the Rochester, N.Y., police department resigned today. That includes chief La'Ron Singletary. The move followed days of sometimes violent clashes between
NPR News2020-09-14NPR News:特朗普前律师出书爆猛料 曾雇人假扮奥巴马羞辱后开除
Today the president faces more revelations about things he's said in private. Days ago, he was denouncing multiple news organizations for reporting disparaging remarks about th
NPR News2020-09-11NPR News:俄反对派领袖已脱离昏迷 德国考虑对俄实施制裁
Russia's leading opposition figure, Alexei Navalny, is awake. This is according to officials at a German hospital where Navalny was taken after falling violently ill on a fligh
NPR News2020-09-10NPR News:拜登继特朗普之后到访基诺沙市 与遭警察枪击非裔男子通话
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden went to Kenosha, Wis., today. Biden and his wife met with the family of Jacob Blake, the Black man whose shooting by police nearly two wee
NPR News2020-09-09NPR News:脸谱网和推特删除俄罗斯支持的账户 称其干预美国大选
With just weeks left until the election, more evidence is coming out about how Russia is again interfering. Facebook has confirmed that it has removed accounts linked to Russian st
NPR News2020-09-08NPR News:拜登发表讲话驳斥特朗普 称其制造混乱和分裂
Joe Biden says he is the candidate of safety and security while President Trump sows chaos and division.
NPR News2020-09-07
JOE BIDEN: He can't stop the violenNPR News:以色列航班历史上首次直飞阿联酋 美以两国代表团搭乘
A jet took off this morning from Israel and landed in the United Arab Emirates. The U.S. government chartered the flight in hopes of advancing plans that Israel and the UAE have to
NPR News2020-09-04NPR News:特朗普支持者与示威者发生冲突 致1人中枪身亡
In Portland, Ore., there have been nightly demonstrations since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis police custody back in May. Last night, a caravan of cars, many flying flags
NPR News2020-09-03NPR News:日本首相安倍晋三因健康原因宣布辞职
Japan's prime minister is doing something truly rare — giving up power when he does not absolutely have to. To grasp just how unusual this is, consider some news from elsewher
NPR News2020-09-02NPR News:特朗普正式接受共和党提名 演讲猛烈抨击拜登
With the White House as his stage, President Trump accepted his party's nomination last night at the Republican National Convention. He attacked Joe Biden and framed voters'
NPR News2020-09-01NPR News:美国黑人男子遭警方连开数枪引爆抗议
Kenosha, Wis., saw more protests last night, and this time, they took a deadly turn. The Kenosha Police Department says three protesters were shot and two have died. All this comes
NPR News2020-08-31NPR News:俄罗斯反对派领袖疑似中毒 已抵达德国住院治疗
A flight carrying Alexei Navalny has landed in Berlin. Doctors there are attending to him. Mr. Navalny is a Russian dissident, and he's in a coma. He's a leading critic of
NPR News2020-08-31NPR News:特朗普前顾问班农涉嫌欺诈被起诉 交500万美元获保释
Steve Bannon is a message guy. He helped hone President Trump's message of law and order and America first during the 2016 election, work that he continued as an adviser to the
NPR News2020-08-27
栏目广告位二 |