栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美国司法部长授权司法部调查大选舞弊
More Republicans are getting behind President Trump's baseless claim that there was widespread fraud in the presidential election. Also, Attorney General William Barr has now a
NPR News2020-11-16NPR News:普京亲自斡旋 助力亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆达成停火
Russia is stepping in to try and stop a war between two former Soviet republics near its southern border. For the past month, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been fighting over a tiny
NPR News2020-11-13NPR News:任期还剩两个月 特朗普开除了国防部长埃斯珀
The news came in a presidential tweet today. Quote, "Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service." And that's how Donald Trump let the world know
NPR News2020-11-12NPR News:拜登发表胜选讲话 特朗普拒不承认败选
The uncertainty, the wait, is over. Yes, there are still votes being counted this morning and races yet to be determined. Georgia and North Carolina, for example, are still too clo
NPR News2020-11-11NPR News:奥地利维也纳遭遇恐怖袭击 造成至少5人死亡
All right. We're going to change gears and head overseas for this next story to Austria. That is where authorities are continuing to investigate a terrorist attack launched las
NPR News2020-11-10NPR News:阿富汗喀布尔大学遭恐袭致多人死伤
Gunmen stormed the campus of Kabul University in the Afghan capital today. At least 19 people are dead; another 22 are injured. NPR's Diaa Hadid is on the line. She covers Afgh
NPR News2020-11-09NPR News:英国疫情失控 首相约翰逊宣布再次全面封锁
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was desperate to avoid this. But after surging infections and the largest death toll in Europe from COVID-19, he has called for another lockdow
NPR News2020-11-06NPR News:法国尼斯发生恐袭案 三人死亡其中一人被割喉
We are following reports this morning of another attack on the streets of France. Not quite two weeks ago, an 18-year-old man beheaded a teacher outside Paris before being shot dea
NPR News2020-11-05NPR News:美国费城警察枪杀黑人引发抗议冲突 致90余人被捕30名警察受伤
Troops from the Pennsylvania National Guard were mobilized in Philadelphia for a second night. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets again last night after police shot and kil
NPR News2020-11-04NPR News:梵蒂冈审判备修院性虐待案
An unprecedented trial resumes tomorrow at the Vatican. A young priest is charged with sexually abusing an altar boy inside Vatican City walls. An older priest is charged with cove
NPR News2020-11-03NPR News:喀布尔一教育机构发生爆炸袭击 伊斯兰国宣称负责
Now to Kabul, where a suicide bomber blew himself up outside an education center as students were preparing for college entry exams. At least 24 people are dead, including several
NPR News2020-11-02NPR News:苏丹与以色列同意实现关系正常化
The U.S. has helped broker a deal for Israel and Sudan to normalize ties. It is now the third Arab country to do so under the Trump administration. As NPR's Eyder Peralta repor
NPR News2020-11-02NPR News:尼日利亚安全部队向反警察暴行的抗议者开枪
An activist was livestreaming a protest in Lagos, Nigeria, last night. Police approached protesters, who have shut down the biggest city in Africa over issues including police brut
NPR News2020-10-29NPR News:美国司法部向谷歌发起反垄断诉讼 称其排挤竞争对手
The U.S. Justice Department and 11 states are suing Google, accusing it of squeezing out competitors and monopolizing Internet search. The government says the tech giant is hurting
NPR News2020-10-27NPR News:美国起诉六名俄罗斯情报官员 涉嫌策划一系列网络攻击
Six Russian intelligence officers are facing federal charges in connection with a series of high-profile and destructive cyberattacks. The charges detail hacks targeting the 2017 F
NPR News2020-10-27NPR News:民调显示阿尔赛赢得玻利维亚总统大选 多方表示祝贺
Socialists appear to have made a strong comeback yesterday in Bolivia's presidential election. All of the votes have yet to be counted, but the hand-picked candidate of ousted
NPR News2020-10-26NPR News:法国巴黎举行大规模集会 悼念遭当街斩首的教师
Hundreds of thousands of people in France turned out yesterday to mourn a middle school teacher. He was murdered on Friday by an extremist who said the teacher insulted the Prophet
NPR News2020-10-23NPR News:泰国爆发大规模反政府抗议 要求总理辞职
There are protests in Thailand's capital today. Anti-government demonstrators in Bangkok are demanding the country's prime minister step down.
NPR News2020-10-22
Paris will be under curfew tonight, along with several other cities in France, as part of the government's attempts to try to contain the rapid spread of the coronavirus there
NPR News2020-10-22NPR News:梵蒂冈深陷丑闻 上演金钱与权力大战
Pope Francis was elected with a mandate to clean up the Vatican's murky finances, and he's made strides in doing so. But as NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports, the Vatican i
NPR News2020-10-21NPR News:2020诺贝尔经济学奖揭晓 两位美国经济学家获奖
When you hear the word auction, you might think of a cattle barn or an art gallery. But auctions are now used to selling everything from Internet search ads to carbon pollution cre
NPR News2020-10-16NPR News:阿富汗与塔利班的和谈陷入僵局
Afghan peace talks began back on Sept. 12, but they have been stalled for weeks now over a Taliban demand that has put many Afghans on edge. NPR's Diaa Hadid reports.
NPR News2020-10-15
DIAA HADNPR News:联合国世界粮食计划署获2020诺贝尔和平奖
This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been given to the United Nations World Food Program for its efforts to fight hunger and prevent the use of starvation as a weapon of war. The
NPR News2020-10-14NPR News:美执法人员挫败针对密歇根州州长的绑架图谋
An alleged plot to violently overthrow the government of Michigan and kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was revealed by authorities today. Six men have been arrested and accused in the
NPR News2020-10-12NPR News:美国司法部将起诉两名英国籍ISIS成员
We turn now to the Justice Department. NPR has learned that the U.S. expects to announce charges this week against two British nationals. They're suspected of being part of an
NPR News2020-10-10
栏目广告位二 |