栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:长赐号货轮堵塞苏伊士运河
It sounds like the setup for a disaster movie. A containership almost as long as the Empire State Building is high remains stuck sideways in the Suez Canal, a key passage that conn
NPR News2021-03-31NPR News:朝鲜发射两枚弹道导弹
North Korea launched two ballistic missiles on Thursday morning, quite some time ago now with the time difference. It's the second test in less than a week by North Korea. Pyon
NPR News2021-03-30NPR News:澳大利亚遭遇严重洪灾 数万人撤离
Less than two years after bushfires blazed across Australia, the country's east coast is seeing its worst flooding in decades. Some areas accumulated over a yard of rainfall si
NPR News2021-03-29NPR News:美科罗拉多州枪击案致10人死亡 21岁嫌疑人犯罪动机不明
The story of yesterday's mass shooting in Colorado begins with the names of those involved. We've known for some hours now the name of one of the 10 people shot and killed
NPR News2021-03-26NPR News:土耳其退出"反家暴公约" 引发大规模抗议
Turkey's president shocked women's rights advocates last week when he pulled the country out of the Istanbul convention, which tries to combat violence against women, inclu
NPR News2021-03-25NPR News:美防长突访阿富汗 驻阿美军恐无法如期撤离
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan while on a regional tour of Asia. His visit comes just days after President Biden indicated his administrati
NPR News2021-03-24NPR News:美国男子枪杀6名亚裔女性 声称患有性瘾并非仇恨犯罪
To Georgia now, where the man accused of killing eight people at three different massage parlors yesterday has been charged with murder. He will appear in court tomorrow to be arra
NPR News2021-03-24NPR News:欧洲药品管理局称阿斯利康疫苗安全有效
To Europe now and word that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe for use. That's according to the European Medicines Agency, which regulates vaccines for the EU. Now, this comes day
NPR News2021-03-24NPR News:尼日利亚再次发生恶性学校绑架事件
Gunmen kidnapped children and teachers from an elementary school in northwestern Nigeria on Monday. It's the latest in a series of attacks on educational institutions. And they
NPR News2021-03-19NPR News:拜登面临边境移民潮危机 共和党人借机指责
There has been a dramatic increase in migrants attempting to cross the southern border into the U.S. — more than 100,000 just last month. The vast majority are being turned back t
NPR News2021-03-18NPR News:33岁女子走夜路被警察绑架谋杀 警民冲突升级
Police in London broke up a vigil over the weekend held for a woman who was abducted and murdered. A police officer has been charged with those crimes.
NPR News2021-03-17
(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECONPR News:美警跪杀弗洛伊德案和解 家属获赔2700万美元创纪录
The city of Minneapolis has announced a $27 million settlement with the family of George Floyd over Floyd's death at the hands of police officers last spring. The announcement
NPR News2021-03-16NPR News:贪污案定罪被推翻 巴西前总统卢拉重获竞选资格
Brazil's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, is under growing pressure over his response to the pandemic. Now he's facing trouble of a different kind. A Supreme Court judg
NPR News2021-03-16NPR News:拜登1.9万亿美元疫情经济刺激计划通过
The House of Representatives has approved a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. For those of you keeping track, with this bill, Congress has now spent roughly $6 trillion to
NPR News2021-03-15NPR News:哈里梅根接受采访曝王室丑闻 遭遇种族歧视曾想自杀
The interview made headlines for days before it was broadcast last night, and somehow, it still managed to exceed expectations. Meghan Markle and her husband, Prince Harry, sat dow
NPR News2021-03-12NPR News:美国向境内30多万名委内瑞拉公民提供临时避难人员身份
The Biden administration is taking a big step to allow Venezuelans fleeing conditions in their homeland to remain here in the U.S. even if they're in the country illegally. A h
NPR News2021-03-11NPR News:美国以纳瓦利内事件为由宣布对俄罗斯实施制裁
President Biden's administration has been reviewing how to approach Russia and how to respond to a series of what they call problematic Russian actions. Today, we have action o
NPR News2021-03-10NPR News:瞒报养老院疫情后又被揭性骚扰 纽约州长"抗疫英雄"人设崩塌
Two women, former aides to New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, are accusing him of workplace harassment. He has asked for an independent investigation into those allegations. Cu
NPR News2021-03-08NPR News:法国前总统萨科齐被判实刑 将提起上诉
The former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, has been sentenced today to three years in prison. Two are suspended, but one year is not. He was convicted of trying to bribe a ju
NPR News2021-03-05NPR News:缅甸警察驱逐抗议人群致18人死亡
Myanmar over the weekend saw its most violent day since the coup on February 1. That's the day when the military, which is always powerful, deposed the country's civilian l
NPR News2021-03-05NPR News:美国情报部门称沙特王储批准杀害记者卡舒吉
A summary of findings issued by U.S. intelligence agencies that's just about two pages long holds that Saudi Arabia's crown prince approved the 2018 killing of the journali
NPR News2021-03-03NPR News:美国对伊朗在叙利亚支持的民兵组织发动空袭
It is the first public test of President Joe Biden's national security strategy. The U.S. military launched airstrikes late yesterday in Syria. Pentagon officials say they stru
NPR News2021-03-02NPR News:美国最高法院允许检方获取特朗普纳税单
The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a one-sentence order. It denied former President Donald Trump's final request to shield his financial records from New York prosecutors. WNYC
NPR News2021-03-01NPR News:美国愿重返伊核协议 伊朗要求先解除制裁
Back to the table, maybe. President Biden has signaled that America is willing to join Iran and other world powers in talks that would be aimed at returning to the 2015 nuclear agr
NPR News2021-02-26NPR News:石油泄漏致以色列海岸严重污染
Israeli officials say they're facing the biggest ecological disaster in the country's history. An oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea damaged about 90% of Israeli beaches. N
NPR News2021-02-26
栏目广告位二 |