栏目广告位一 |
多民美国公民在海地遭绑架 至今毫无音讯
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Within a few months, Haiti endured a presidential assassination, an earthquake, a crumbling economy and the spread of street gangs.主持人史蒂夫·英斯基普:在几
NPR News2021-10-21白宫举办国际峰会 应对勒索软件威胁
MARTIN: A pipeline operator, a meatpacker, a big city police department - they are all victims of hackers who locked up their files and held them hostage this past year.马丁:管道运
NPR News2021-10-20前海军工程师出售潜艇机密 将其藏于三明治中
MARTINEZ: Nuclear secrets, Navy submarines and a peanut butter sandwich - they're all at the center of a federal proceeding in a West Virginia courthouse today.马丁内斯:核秘密
NPR News2021-10-20伊拉克议会选举低投票率 年轻人不再信任美式民主
MARTIN: OK. So the good news from Iraq's parliamentary election is that voting ended with no major violence. The bad news-a whole lot of people just didn't vote.马丁:好的。
NPR News2021-10-18美国最高法院拒绝阻止 德州禁堕胎法案
MARTIN: We're going to go next to Texas, where a doctor is facing lawsuits for performing an abortion in defiance of a new law.马丁:我们将前往德克萨斯州,那里的一名医生因无视新法
NPR News2021-10-13美国总统拜登发表联合国重要讲话
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST:President Biden is about to face a bunch of critics who complain that he has broken a promise.主持人雷切尔·马丁:拜登总统将面临一群批评人士,他们抱怨他违背了承诺
NPR News2021-10-13美国空袭阿富汗,造成数名平民死亡
LEILA FADEL, HOST: Last week, the Pentagon admitted an airstrike said to be targeting a would-be car bomber in Afghanistan actually killed only civilians - 10 people from the same
NPR News2021-10-13美国内部针对是否接种疫苗强化针意见不合
INSKEEP: How normal is it for the agency's director, the CDC director, to overturn her own advisers?英斯基普:该机构的主任,也就是疾控中心的主任,推翻自己顾问的决定有多不正常?STEIN:
NPR News2021-10-12特朗普被发传票 涉嫌4位政府高官
INSKEEP: The committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol issued subpoenas to four former Trump administration officials.英斯基普:调查1月6日美国国会大厦袭击案
NPR News2021-10-12美联邦调查局称 美国谋杀案创有史以来最大涨幅
MARTINEZ: New data released by the FBI show an unprecedented spike in murders nationwide in 2020.马丁内斯:联邦调查局发布的新数据显示,2020年全国谋杀率达到前所未有的高峰。KING: That&#
NPR News2021-10-12德国选举结果出炉 默克尔联盟党不敌社会民主党
KING: It was so close. What does that result tell us about where Germany's headed?金:选举结果非常接近。这一结果告诉了我们什么是德国的发展方向吗?SCHMITZ: Well, the first thing t
NPR News2021-10-12国会山听证会 脸书前员工爆黑料
HAUGEN: It is about Facebook choosing to grow at all costs, becoming an almost trillion-dollar company by buying its profits with our safety.豪根:Facebook选择不惜一切代价进行发展,通
NPR News2021-10-12NPR News:拜登宣布美国从阿富汗撤军 结束美国历史上最长的战争
Today, President Biden said America's longest war is almost over. By this September 11, he says U.S. combat troops will be out of Afghanistan.
NPR News2021-04-19
There has already been a lot of tension between the United States and Russia this year — election interference, hacking and now an increase in Russian troops on the border with Uk
NPR News2021-04-16NPR News:日本决定将福岛巨量核废水倒入太平洋
Japan announced today that it will dump millions of gallons of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. Local fishermen, environmental gro
NPR News2021-04-15NPR News:北爱尔兰骚乱不息 英国脱欧后遗症爆发
Protesters clashed with police again in Northern Ireland's capital, Belfast, last night. This has been happening for days. And the violence is a response in part to a new trade
NPR News2021-04-14NPR News:英女王丈夫菲利普亲王去世 享年99岁
Prince Philip, the royal consort of Queen Elizabeth II, died this morning at Windsor Castle in England. The Duke of Edinburgh was 99 years old.
NPR News2021-04-13
NPR's London correspondent, FraNPR News:拜登宣布多项控枪措施 称枪支暴力是"流行病"
It was just two weeks ago that President Biden made it seem pretty clear he was not eager to move the intractable gun debate to the top of his agenda, even in the wake of two mass
NPR News2021-04-13NPR News:美国和伊朗在维也纳举行间接会谈
The U.S. and Iran have begun indirect talks in Vienna. The goal is to salvage the nuclear deal that the Trump administration left. Diplomats from countries still in the deal are sh
NPR News2021-04-13NPR News:英国计划逐步解封 欲试行疫苗护照
After months under lockdown, the U.K. is starting to open up slowly. Shops, gyms, hairdressers and pubs with outdoor beer gardens will reopen next Monday in England. Here's Pri
NPR News2021-04-08NPR News:约旦王室"宫斗" 恐影响中东地区局势
A country that has long been a key U.S. ally and a source of stability in the Middle East is claiming an internal threat to its own stability this weekend. Authorities in Jordan sa
NPR News2021-04-07NPR News:弗洛伊德悲剧在墨西哥重演 警察跪压女子致死
In Mexico, a woman died at the hands of police after she was arrested by officers in the resort town of Tulum last weekend. Her death has sparked an uproar in Mexico, and it's
NPR News2021-04-06NPR News:拜登公布2万亿美元基建计划 “与中国竞争”
President Biden came into office focused solely on getting the nation through the pandemic. But today, he is shifting his focus to his plans for the future with an infrastructure p
NPR News2021-04-06NPR News:巴西陆海空军三位将领于同日卸任 政局再陷动荡
Brazil is going through tumultuous times. Today, the country lost its army, air force and navy chiefs. The government says all three are being replaced. This is the biggest politic
NPR News2021-04-02NPR News:埃塞俄比亚内战升级 局势动荡未来堪忧
Ethiopia has been gripped by civil war for almost five months now, and while access to the conflict zone has been severely limited, the information that is coming out points to an
NPR News2021-04-01
栏目广告位二 |