栏目广告位一 |
After decades of inaction, Congress could soon take action on gun safety legislation.在几十年的无所作为之后,国会可能很快就枪支安全立法采取行动。On Sunday, a bipartisan group of sena
NPR News2022-06-16为什么拥枪者不承认他们支持更严格的枪管?
Now, polls show that most Americans, including many gun owners, support some restrictions on firearms, like stricter background checks, red flag laws.现在,民意调查显示,大多数美国人,包
NPR News2022-06-16乌克兰最大核电站着火
Heavy shelling caused a fire to break out near one of the plant's six reactors, but Ukrainian authorities say the fire has been extinguished. 重型炮击导致该核电站六个反应堆中的
NPR News2022-03-24美国学生贷款还款日或将再次推迟
It's been two years since the World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 global pandemic and nearly that long since the federal government put student loans on hold.世界卫生
NPR News2022-03-24特朗普再次参加竞选
Donald Trump is out campaigning again for other Republicans running for Congress and maybe a little for himself.唐纳德·特朗普再次为其他参加国会竞选的共和党人助选,或许也为自己助选。
NPR News2022-03-24拜登前往布鲁塞尔--与北约领导人讨论俄乌局势
President Biden heads to Brussels later this week for a NATO summit on Ukraine.拜登总统将于本周晚些时候前往布鲁塞尔参加关于乌克兰问题的北约峰会。 Pressure continues to grow on the
NPR News2022-03-24少年检举父亲参与国会山事件
It was an emotional day of testimony yesterday in the first trial connected with last year's January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.昨天,在与去年1月6日美国国会山暴动有关案件
NPR News2022-03-14德国宣布大幅增加国防开支
Now, in addition to sanctions on Russia, European leaders are considering their own future security.现在,除了对俄罗斯的制裁,欧洲领导人正在考虑他们自己未来的安全。 Germany - Europe
NPR News2022-03-07320亿美元和解金--普渡制药成瘾诉讼将终结
Opioid overdoses kill tens of thousands of Americans every year.阿片类药物过量每年导致成千上万的美国人死亡。 Some of the biggest corporations accused of fueling the opioid crisis,
NPR News2022-03-07外交解决俄乌紧张局势的窗口仍然开放
The window to resolve the Russia-Ukraine tensions diplomatically, it's still open.通过外交途径解决俄乌紧张局势的窗口仍然是敞开的。 Yeah, the White House says President Joe Bide
NPR News2022-03-01美医生敦促恢复预防性健康检查
As the U.S. continues to see declines in COVID cases and hospitalizations, new mask guidance is expected soon from the CDC, perhaps as soon as this week.随着美国新冠肺炎病例和住院
NPR News2022-03-01美加边境大桥重新开放
One of the main economic arteries between the U.S. and Canada is now back open.美国和加拿大之间的一条主要经济动脉现在重新开放。 Canadian police yesterday cleared protesters who had
NPR News2022-02-21俄乌对峙持续---美德十国呼吁公民撤离乌克兰
The U.S. is warning that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could happen at any moment.美国警告称,俄罗斯随时可能入侵乌克兰。 Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in Kyiv today. 德国总
NPR News2022-02-21围绕乌克兰问题举行新一轮外交会谈
Another round of diplomatic talks over the Russian standoff with Ukraine begins today. 关于俄罗斯和乌克兰对峙的另一轮外交会谈今天开始。 Here in Washington, D.C., President Biden wi
NPR News2022-02-15二审黑人男子阿伯里被杀案件
A second trial starts today in the 2020 murder of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man.2020年黑人男子艾哈迈德·阿伯里被杀一案的二审今天开始。 Three white men have already been sentenced to l
NPR News2022-02-15美商务部发布最新的经济增长数据
Just looking at the basic numbers, the U.S. economy remains strong.仅从基本数字来看,美国经济依然强劲。Although, the pandemic keeps slowing it down.不过,疫情传播的速度在不断减缓。We&#
NPR News2022-02-08美大法官退休 拜登提名黑人女性
Back when he was a U.S. senator, Joe Biden led the judiciary committee.乔·拜登担任美国参议员时曾领导司法委员会。And he presided over several Supreme Court nominations.他还主持了几
NPR News2022-02-08俄罗斯与北约进入最后一轮谈判
Russia and the West go into the third and final leg of a diplomatic triathlon today.今天,俄罗斯和西方进入外交“铁人三项”的第三站,也是最后一站。 It's part of a series of talks th
NPR News2022-02-05白宫澄清拜登言论--不会派遣军队进入乌克兰
At yesterday's press conference, President Biden said he thought it more likely than not that Russian leader Vladimir Putin would, as Biden put it, move in on Ukraine.在昨天的
NPR News2022-02-05国际援助物资抵达汤加
The first international shipment of humanitarian aid has arrived in the Pacific nation of Tonga.第一批国际人道主义援助物资已经抵达太平洋国家汤加。A military plane from New Zealand
NPR News2022-02-05网球明星德约科维奇的签证再次被取消
Now to tennis. Australia's immigration minister has revoked tennis star Novak Djokovic's visa again.现在谈谈网球吧。澳大利亚移民部长再次取消网球明星诺瓦克·德约科维奇的签证
NPR News2022-01-21新一代的美国极端主义正在兴起
Now, the president who sought to overturn the election in 2020 is now out of power.现在,试图推翻2020年选举的总统已经下台。 That means the president who tried to overturn the electio
NPR News2022-01-13共和党人缺席国会山守夜活动
A candlelight vigil took place outside the U.S. Capitol yesterday.昨天,美国国会大厦外举行了烛光守夜活动。 People who attended marked one year since a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capi
NPR News2022-01-13国会山警方重新调整--鼓舞士气
More than 80 U.S. Capitol Police officers were injured in the attack on the U.S. Capitol last year. 在去年发生在美国国会大厦的袭击事件中,有80多名美国国会警察受伤。Several have died
NPR News2022-01-11美国民意调查揭露美式民主问题
One year ago this week, supporters of former President Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol building and tried to overturn a democratic election.一年前的这个星期,前总统唐纳德·特
NPR News2022-01-07
栏目广告位二 |