栏目广告位一 |
Monsoon rains are a normal part of life in South Asia, but the monsoon rains of recent days have not been normal at all.季风雨在南亚是正常生活的一部分,但最近几天的季风雨完全不正常。
NPR News2022-09-02NASA将发射新型登月火箭--副总统将亲临现场
NASA is ready to launch a new rocket to orbit the moon.美国国家航空航天局(NASA)准备发射一枚新火箭绕月飞行。If the countdown gets to zero as planned, a rocket launches today from th
NPR News2022-09-02加州大火席卷15600英亩土地 数千人被迫撤离
A state of emergency has been declared in Mariposa County, Calif., after a fast-moving wildfire burned thousands of acres over the weekend.周末,一场快速蔓延的野火烧毁了数千英亩土地,
NPR News2022-08-18泽连斯基解职两名高官--称内部通俄严重
Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has abruptly removed two top officials.乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基突然解除了两名高级官员的职务。One is Ukraine's spy chief; the
NPR News2022-08-18印第安纳州恐加入限制堕胎的行列
Indiana is likely to join around a dozen states that have moved to restrict abortions in the last few weeks.过去几个星期十几个州采取行动限制堕胎,印第安纳州很可能会加入到这一行列中。
NPR News2022-08-18美国猴痘病例飙升至近5000例--白宫如何应对?
Monkeypox cases are rising quickly here in the U.S., with almost 5,000 already reported.美国猴痘病例正在迅速增加,已经报告了近5000例。Yeah. And San Francisco announced a state of eme
NPR News2022-08-17美国科技公司放缓招聘--为不确定性做准备
The U.S. economy is slowing down, and you can get an indication of what exactly that means by just looking at Silicon Valley.美国经济正在放缓,只要看看硅谷,你就能明白这究竟意味着什么
NPR News2022-08-17美国黑人因通胀难以维持生计 看不起病
Results of a new poll published today finds significant racial disparities when it comes to paying for and accessing health care in the U.S. 今天公布的一项新的民意调查结果发现,在美
NPR News2022-08-17美参议院通过7000亿美元的气候、医保和税收法案
Senate Democrats have passed a major climate, health care and tax bill after months of negotiations.参议院民主党人经过几个月的谈判,通过了一项重要的气候、医保和税收法案。It is a cent
NPR News2022-08-17塔利班掌权一周年--女性走上街头进行抗议
A year ago today, gunmen on motorbikes rode into Kabul, and Taliban fighters seized power in Afghanistan.一年前的今天,持枪分子骑着摩托车进入喀布尔,塔利班武装分子在阿富汗夺取了政权。T
NPR News2022-08-17支持反堕胎法律的团体是谁?
The Supreme Court may have tossed abortion decisions back to the states, but groups against abortion rights are still making a nationwide push.最高法院可能已经把堕胎的决定权抛回了
NPR News2022-07-22德州发布报告称小学枪击案归咎于“系统性失败”
Why did it take close to 400 officers so long to confront one gunman?为什么近400名警察花了这么长时间才与一名枪手对峙?Texas lawmakers ordered an investigation of the mass shooting i
NPR News2022-07-22安倍遇刺后 日本修宪派选举获胜
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party and its allies won national elections.日本自民党及其执政盟友赢得了全国大选。 The vote came after an assassin killed the former prime minister,
NPR News2022-07-22美国各州预计会在堕胎问题上引发法律纠纷
In several states, abortion access looks very different today than it did last week.在几个州,如今的堕胎机会看起来与上周大不相同。Right. The Supreme Court's decision overturning
NPR News2022-07-12G7峰会要筹集6000亿美元, 对抗中国“一带一路”倡议
Leaders of the seven wealthiest democracies began three days of talks yesterday in Germany's Bavarian Alps. 七个最富有的民主国家的领导人昨日在德国巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山开始了为期三
NPR News2022-07-12美国警察开90多抢 非裔男子身上60多处伤口
The killing of a Black man by police a week ago during an attempted traffic stop in Akron, Ohio, has led to renewed protests over the weekend. 一周前,一名非裔男子在俄亥俄州阿克伦市
NPR News2022-07-12美国航空公司假期仓位爆满
It's been a chaotic summer for air travel.对于航空旅行来说,这是一个混乱的夏天。Airlines have delayed and canceled tens of thousands of flights in recent weeks, even during this
NPR News2022-07-12美国女议员为特朗普辩护-称调查是政治迫害行为
Can you support fair elections overseas while undermining democracy in your own country?你能在破坏本国民主的同时支持海外的公平选举吗?One of Donald Trump's biggest defenders and
NPR News2022-06-29前游击队员当选哥伦比亚总统
Colombia has elected a new president.哥伦比亚选出了一位新总统。Gustavo Petro won last night. He is a former mayor of the gigantic city of Bogota. He has a colorful past. 古斯塔沃·
NPR News2022-06-29世卫组织称猴痘病毒可能会在全球传播
Back in the U.S., federal epidemiologists are monitoring the potential outbreak of monkeypox.回到美国,联邦流行病学家正在监测可能爆发的猴痘。 Yeah. The number of suspected cases in t
NPR News2022-06-17佐治亚州初选尽显特朗普支持威力
A series of Republican primaries show the power of Trump's endorsement. 一系列共和党初选结果显示了特朗普支持的威力。It also shows how many voters want to embrace Trump's li
NPR News2022-06-17美国德州警方承认在枪击事件中犯了错
The police in Uvalde, Texas, admit that they made mistakes in responding to the mass shooting last week.德克萨斯州乌瓦尔德警方承认,他们在应对上周的大规模枪击事件时犯了错误。And now
NPR News2022-06-17拜登未邀请古巴参加美洲峰会
World leaders have started to arrive in Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas. 世界各国领导人陆续抵达洛杉矶参加美洲峰会。The Biden administration, or rather the United States,
NPR News2022-06-16哥伦比亚总统选举-未来局势不明
Heading now to Colombia, where a former left-wing guerrilla and a populist real estate mogul are headed for a presidential runoff on June 19.现在我们前往哥伦比亚,在那里,一名前左翼游
NPR News2022-06-161月6日国会骚乱事件举行第二次听证会
Lawmakers investigating the January 6 Capitol riot will hear from a former Trump campaign manager, a former Fox News political editor and others about what happened in the days sur
NPR News2022-06-16
栏目广告位二 |