栏目广告位一 |
美国加州遭遇历史性雨雪风暴 但干旱仍未消失
California is getting historic amounts of rain and snow this winter.加州今年冬天的雨雪量创历史新高。Parts of Southern California were turned into a winter wonderland over the weeke
NPR News2023-03-08美国前副总统暗示会参加2024总统竞选
Republican presidential hopefuls are starting to pop up in Iowa ahead of the 2024 election.在2024年大选之前,数位共和党总统候选人开始突然出现在爱荷华州。This is a sign that primary s
NPR News2023-03-01美国务卿在土耳其评估地震损失
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Turkey this morning to discuss a number of pressing issues.美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯今天上午在土耳其讨论一些紧迫的问题。It's the sec
NPR News2023-02-27堪萨斯城酋长队大逆转夺冠
For the second time in four years, the Kansas City Chiefs are Super Bowl champions.堪萨斯城酋长队四年内第二次夺得超级碗冠军。Last night, in Glendale, Ariz., in a stadium that looks
NPR News2023-02-24土叙地震一周后 救援队仍未放弃搜救
The Turkish government says over a million people are living in temporary shelters a week after a earthquake hit parts of the country and neighboring Syria.土耳其政府称,土耳其与邻国
NPR News2023-02-21土叙突发大地震 伤亡人数持续上升
The earthquake that hit southeast Turkey last night had a magnitude of 7.8. It struck while many were sleeping. 昨晚土耳其东南部突发地震,震级为7.8级。地震发生时许多人正在睡觉。And t
NPR News2023-02-20美国大盐湖干涸加剧
Climate change and rapid population growth are drying up the Great Salt Lake in Utah.气候变化与人口激增正在使犹他州的大盐湖干涸。As the name implies, this lake is huge but getting
NPR News2023-02-14布林肯呼吁采取紧急措施缓和巴以紧张局势
The U.S. secretary of state is trying to address a round of violence in the Middle East.美国国务卿正试图解决中东的一连串暴力事件。Antony Blinken met with Israel's prime ministe
NPR News2023-02-09美孟菲斯市黑人男子遭警察殴打致死
Memphis authorities released four videos on Friday night. 孟菲斯当局周五晚上公布了四段视频。They show a traffic stop where police seized and beat Tyre Nichols. The 29-year-old late
NPR News2023-02-09美国向企业发放的贷款流向富人?
And we have some revelations today about businesses that received federal funds during the early phases of the pandemic.我们今天披露了一些在疫情早期接受联邦专项资金的企业的相关新闻
NPR News2023-02-01败选不服气, 美议员制造系列枪击案
Police say a man who lost an election lost again when he plotted against the rival party.警方表示,一名败选男子在密谋对抗敌对党中又失败了。Solomon Pena ran for state Legislature in N
NPR News2023-01-25拜登总统前往墨西哥会见北美领导人
President Biden is in Mexico for a summit of North American leaders. 拜登总统正在墨西哥参加北美领导人峰会。It's the first time a U.S. president has visited the country since fo
NPR News2023-01-17麦卡锡几经妥协当选议长
After 15 ballots and four days of drama, Kevin McCarthy secured enough votes to serve as speaker of the House.历经4天15轮闹剧般的投票,凯文·麦卡锡获得了担任众议院议长所需的选票。The
NPR News2023-01-17前教皇本笃十六世逝世
The body of former Pope Benedict XVI is on public view at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.前教皇本笃十六世的遗体在罗马圣彼得大教堂向公众展示。The Vatican has announced that Thursd
NPR News2023-01-102023年美国州立法机构关注哪些事?
Many state legislatures will meet in the new year. And they will have the power to address some polarizing issues.许多州立法机构将在新的一年举行会议。他们将有解决一些两极分化问题的
NPR News2023-01-09重返法官席, 为何口头辩论总超时?
The justices of the Supreme Court have been known in recent decades for their discipline when it comes to talking. 近几十年来,最高法院的大法官们一直以惜字如金而闻名。But of late, th
NPR News2023-01-04美国纽约州遇致命暴风雪
Of all the places pounded by cold weather over the weekend, Buffalo was among the worst-hit.在周末遭受寒冷天气侵袭的所有地方中,布法罗是受灾最严重的地方之一。That we are talking abou
NPR News2022-12-30拜登公布新举措对抗游民危机
On a single night this year, the federal government surveyed people across this country who were homeless.今年的某个夜晚,联邦政府对全国无家可归者进行了调查。The survey found the tot
NPR News2022-12-28时隔三十六年 阿根廷再捧大力神杯
People in sports sometimes say an exceptionally close game is a nail-biter.体育界的人有时会用“nail-biter”去形容一场势均力敌的比赛。So it was fitting yesterday when the World Cup
NPR News2022-12-27特朗普公司税务欺诈罪名成立
Georgia voters kept their senator last night. 乔治亚州选民昨晚保住了他们的参议员。Democrat Raphael Warnock defeated Republican Herschel Walker.民主党人拉斐尔·沃诺克击败了共和党人
NPR News2022-12-16美科技业裁员不代表经济陷入衰退
After their hiring spree during the pandemic, the tech industry now seems to be on a firing spree.在疫情期间大肆招聘之后,科技行业现在似乎正在大肆裁员。Well, layoffs in the tech indu
NPR News2022-12-15沙发藏百万美元 南非总统深陷腐败丑闻
South Africa's president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is clinging on to his political life and the party of Nelson Mandela, the ruling African National Congress, in a crisis mode. 南非总
NPR News2022-12-06通胀如何影响黑色星期五的销售额?
It is officially the holiday shopping season. It's Black Friday. 假日购物季正式来临。今天是黑色星期五。And this year, it has a bit of a shadow hanging over it because inflation
NPR News2022-11-30圣诞假期临近, 全美铁路工人大罢工威胁再起
We depend a whole lot on rail workers. 我们非常依赖铁路工人。They are at the heart of this country's supply chain. 他们是这个国家供应链的核心。That's why there is so much c
NPR News2022-11-29拜登感恩节期间与家人一起商讨连任问题
Lots of families had some big conversations over the dinner table at Thanksgiving last night, some easy, some hard, some involving major life decisions, such as whether to run for
NPR News2022-11-29
栏目广告位二 |