栏目广告位一 |
筹集资金涉嫌搞独立 前苏格兰领导人被捕
Nicola Sturgeon, the former leader of Scotland, was arrested over the weekend. 苏格兰前领导人妮古拉·斯特金上周末被捕。She says the experience was, quote, "deeply distressing." 她
NPR News2023-06-30美国庆祝联邦假日六月节
Americans are celebrating Juneteenth today.美国人今天庆祝六月节。Yeah, it's the newest federal holiday on the calendar and is also known as this country's second Independen
NPR News2023-06-30俄亥俄州提前闭店遏制枪支暴力
Now, what can a city really do about gun violence?那么,对于枪支暴力,一座城市究竟能做些什么呢?The Supreme Court has sharply limited gun regulations. 最高法院已对枪支管制进行了严格限制
NPR News2023-05-29与州长不和, 迪士尼取消佛州10亿美元投资计划
Disney says it's canceling plans to build a $1 billion office campus in Florida.迪士尼表示,将取消在佛罗里达州投资10亿美元建造办公园区的计划。The head of Disney's theme parks
NPR News2023-05-29ChatGPT之父出席听证会 警告称不要过度监管
Congress is taking a closer look at regulations on artificial intelligence.美国国会正在密切关注有关人工智能的法规。Yeah, a bipartisan group of House members met last night with Sam
NPR News2023-05-29美国黑人男子地铁内遭扼喉身亡
Outrage is growing over the death of a 30-year-old Black man on a New York City subway train on Monday. 周一,一名30岁的黑人男子在纽约地铁上身亡,引发了越来越多的愤怒。The incident is
NPR News2023-05-23拜登总统与国会领导人讨论债务违约问题
President Joe Biden and the top four congressional leaders finally sat down together to talk about raising the debt ceiling.乔·拜登总统与国会四大领导人终于坐下来讨论提高债务上限的
NPR News2023-05-22性侵罪成立 特朗普被判赔500万美元
A jury has sided with E. Jean Carroll. She is the writer who accused former President Trump of sexual assault and defamation.陪审团已站在E·简·卡罗尔一边。她是指控前总统特朗普性侵
NPR News2023-05-22英国国王查尔斯三世加冕仪式
Across the pond this weekend brings the much-ballyhooed crowning of King Charles III. It's the first coronation in 70 years.跨过大西洋,本周末,英国将迎来大张旗鼓的查理三世国王加冕
NPR News2023-05-22逮捕特朗普风波
Former President Trump makes a court appearance after his indictment.前总统特朗普遭起诉即将出庭。He was investigated for covering up a payment to an adult film star. 他因隐瞒向一名
NPR News2023-05-15拜登明尼苏达州谈投资拉选票
While more Republicans are seeking the White House, President Biden has yet to announce his bid to keep it.虽然越来越多的共和党人正在寻求入主白宫,但拜登总统还没有宣布他将争取连任。B
NPR News2023-05-11田纳西州因抗议枪支暴力而被驱逐的议员复职
Democratic Representative Justin Jones was sworn back in at the Tennessee Capitol last night, just days after being expelled by Republican members.民主党众议员贾斯汀·琼斯昨晚在田
NPR News2023-05-11美国得州法官裁决禁售一款口服堕胎药
Two federal judges issued a pair of conflicting rulings on Friday, creating uncertainty for future access to abortion pills.周五, 两名联邦法官发布了两项相互矛盾的裁决,为未来获取堕胎
NPR News2023-05-11美国国税局公布800亿美元改革计划
More than 90 million people have filed tax returns so far this year, but some of us wait till the last minute. 今年到目前为止,已经有9000多万人提交了纳税申报表,但我们中的一些人直到最
NPR News2023-05-10美国暂停撤离在苏丹的公民
The leader of the Sudanese military today claimed he is committed to transition to civilian rule.苏丹军方领导人今天声称,他致力于向文官统治过渡。But in his first speech since fightin
NPR News2023-05-10美国债务上限谈判陷入僵局
A top priority for Congress is tackling a looming deadline on the debt ceiling.国会的当务之急是应对债务上限最后期限临近的问题。House Speaker Kevin McCarthy addressed the issue yest
NPR News2023-05-10瑞银收购瑞信能解除危机吗?
One big Swiss bank is buying a competitor that's in trouble.一家瑞士大型银行正在收购一家陷入困境的对手银行。The Swiss bank UBS is the buyer, and it is picking up Credit Suisse.
NPR News2023-04-04以色列司法改革引发大规模抗议
Israel has walked back from the brink for now.以色列目前已悬崖勒马。Yeah. After three months of street protests and turmoil inside the military that intensified into a nationwide l
NPR News2023-04-03可能首次刑诉特朗普的检察官是谁?
We take a look today at the man who decides whether to indict a former president.今天我们来看看这个决定是否起诉前总统的人。His name is Alvin Bragg. He is the Manhattan district att
NPR News2023-04-03美国纳什维尔小学枪击案致6人遇难
Nashville is in mourning today after a shooting at a small Christian school.纳什维尔一所小型基督教学校发生枪击事件后于今日举行哀悼。Yeah, three adults and three 9-year-old children
NPR News2023-04-03杨紫琼获奥斯卡最佳女主角
One movie swept last night's Academy Awards.一部电影横扫昨晚的奥斯卡金像奖。And the Oscar goes to "Everything Everywhere All At Once."奥斯卡奖颁给《瞬息全宇宙》。"Everything Ev
NPR News2023-03-24硅谷银行倒闭 拜登紧急干预
The Biden administration has stepped in to save Silicon Valley Bank's customers.拜登政府已经出手拯救硅谷银行的客户。It's an extraordinary effort to contain the fallout of t
NPR News2023-03-24法国退休改革罢工持续升级
France is preparing for a ritual there - a massive protest that shuts down the country.法国正准备举行一场仪式——一场导致整个国家陷入瘫痪的大规模抗议活动。And that's what labor
NPR News2023-03-15美联储将迎来第九次加息?
OK, the Fed has already raised interest rates eight times in the last year, and they could do it some more.美联储去年已经加息8次,他们可能还会再进一步加息。Yeah. You see, raising int
NPR News2023-03-15芝加哥同性恋黑人女市长恐难连任
Chicago voters are heading to the polls tomorrow to decide if the city's current mayor should serve another term.芝加哥选民明天将前往投票站,决定现任市长是否应该连任。Yeah, Lori
NPR News2023-03-08
栏目广告位二 |