栏目广告位一 |
How much larger can the Mideast war become?中东战争还能扩大到什么程度?We begin the week with that question.我们从这个问题开始这周的报道。Aid convoys have been reaching civilians in
NPR News2023-11-03美国政府关门会对经济造成什么影响?
So one new deal has been reached in Hollywood but another one still hangs in the balance, this one in the nation's capital.好莱坞达成了一项新协议,但另一项协议仍悬而未决,那就是要
NPR News2023-11-03美国四分之一囚犯死于同一所联邦监狱
A new NPR investigation has revealed a disturbing pattern.NPR的一项新调查揭示了一个令人不安的模式。Yeah, of the 5,000 people who died in the past decade while in federal custody, 1
NPR News2023-11-03阿富汗地震导致逾两千人丧生
While the world focused on violence in Israel and Gaza this weekend, a series of earthquakes struck western Afghanistan.这个周末,当世界都在关注以色列和加沙的暴力事件时,阿富汗西部发生
NPR News2023-11-03美国将青少年关进最恐怖监狱
We have a story now of the Louisiana State Penitentiary.我们现在有一篇关于路易斯安那州立监狱的报道。It's known as Angola, after the plantation that operated there in the 1800s.
NPR News2023-11-03夏威夷毛伊岛大火遇难人数上升至99人
Some survivors of a fire in Maui are not satisfied with their dealings with the government so far.毛伊岛大火中的一些幸存者对政府目前为止对他们的处理方式感到不满。That wildfire has
NPR News2023-11-03哈马斯袭击以色列引发全面战争
The weekend attack on Israel by hundreds of Hamas fighters has touched off a war with heavy casualties.周末,数百名哈马斯武装分子对以色列发动袭击,引发了一场伤亡惨重的战争。Israeli med
NPR News2023-11-03美众议长麦卡锡被赶下台
This week, Florida Republican Matt Gaetz became one of the best known members of Congress.本周,佛罗里达州共和党人马特·盖兹成为国会最知名的议员之一。Yeah. That's because he made
NPR News2023-11-03热带风暴“希拉里”给加州带来特大暴雨
What's left of Hurricane Hilary has been bringing heavy rain to parts of southern California that have rarely, if ever, experienced a tropical storm.飓风“希拉里”的残余势力给
NPR News2023-10-20高温致美国学生无法专心上课
Did you realize this? July was Earth's hottest month on record.你意识到了吗? 七月是地球有史以来最热的一个月。Yeah. Now, not many days later, students across the United States a
NPR News2023-10-20反腐斗士阿雷瓦洛赢得危地马拉总统大选
In Guatemala, a reformist candidate beat all the odds and is now the country's president-elect.在危地马拉,一名改革派候选人战胜了重重困难,当选该国的总统。Bernardo Arevalo has been
NPR News2023-10-20美国民众对工会支持率创50年来新高
On this Labor Day, organized labor is on the move.在这个劳动节,劳工组织正在行动。Hey, hey. Ho, ho. Corporate greed has got to go.嘿,嘿。嗬,嗬。企业的贪婪必须消失。Walking picket lines
NPR News2023-10-11飓风“伊达利亚”登陆佛罗里达州
In Florida, almost a third of the state's 67 counties have ordered either mandatory or recommended voluntary evacuations as the state braces for a major hurricane.佛罗里达州准
NPR News2023-10-11加拿大“00后”开车撞死穆斯林一家三代人
Jury selection begins today in Canada in a case that will test the country's anti-terrorism laws.今天,加拿大开始为一起案件挑选陪审团,这将考验该国的反恐法。Yeah, Nathaniel Veltman
NPR News2023-10-11美国东北部持续暴雨引发特大山洪
New England and parts of New York are drenched after heavy rains and flash flooding. At least one person has died.在暴雨引发山洪后,新英格兰和纽约部分地区都泡在水中。至少一人遇难。An
NPR News2023-10-05土耳其不再反对瑞典加入北约
The 31 leaders of NATO member countries are meeting in Lithuania today.北约31国领导人今天在立陶宛举行会议。And pretty soon there will be 32 of them. 北约很快就会有32个成员国了。In
NPR News2023-10-05大火与高温同时来袭,美国多地空气质量“爆表”
Smoke and heat are making it unhealthy to breathe in parts of the U.S.在美国部分地区,烟雾和高温使得呼吸变得危险。Yeah, the heat wave in the Southwest has spread. Parts of the Midwes
NPR News2023-07-07法国警察射杀少年引发暴力抗议
People in France are protesting a police shooting. An officer shot and killed a 17-year-old boy.法国民众抗议一名警察开枪。一名警察开枪打死了一名17岁的男孩。The officer had stopped
NPR News2023-07-07马斯克宣布限制用户推文浏览量
Another day, another series of bizarre events on Twitter.又一天,推特上又发生了一系列的离奇之事。Elon Musk is capping the number of tweets users can see each day.埃隆·马斯克正在限制
NPR News2023-07-07中国首位非军人航天员随神舟十六号升空
A rocket blasted into orbit with three astronauts on board. 一枚火箭载着三名宇航员进入轨道。They're headed to China's new space station to relieve a crew that's been th
NPR News2023-07-03联邦法院裁决保护制药家族免于诉讼
A federal appeals court ruling shelters members of the Sackler family who own Purdue Pharma from all civil lawsuits linked to their role in the opioid crisis.联邦上诉法院的一项裁决
NPR News2023-07-03特朗普: 即便被起诉,周末仍在参加竞选活动
Former President Trump appears in federal court in Miami tomorrow.前总统特朗普明天将在迈阿密联邦法院出庭。He spent the weekend in the court of public opinion. 他整个周末都身处公众
NPR News2023-06-30美国证交会起诉币安 币圈监管风暴来袭
In the world of crypto, another major company is in trouble.加密货币领域又一家大公司陷入了困境。Binance - like finance, but with a B - Binance operates the world's largest plat
NPR News2023-06-30沙特斥巨资完成美巡赛与LIV高尔夫合并
Wow, the two biggest organizations in pro golf are merging.现在,两个最大的职业高尔夫组织要合并了。The PGA Tour has run big tournaments for generations, but it faced a challenge from
NPR News2023-06-30以色列宣布在约旦河西岸新建4800套住房
New developments in the Israeli-occupied West Bank are worrying the international community.以色列占领约旦河西岸事态的新发展令国际社会感到担忧。Thousands of new homes for Israeli s
NPR News2023-06-30
栏目广告位二 |